Untelling Jerk

What a jerk. Seriously. My own ___. Doesn't tell me where (s)he's going, what (s)he's doing, or whatever! And keeps me waiting while walking off with a petty little friend! Freaking freak. Inconsiderate jerk!

Finals are over. Hallelujah. Not really. The math final was devastatingly difficult. Seriously. There were 35 questions, and I already knew that I had to get an A to maintain my borderline A. But when I looked at the test, I was completely aghast! The first problem stabbed me in the back already! Not to mention the next 34 of them. I was sure about only probably 10 of the problems...which, obviously, isn't going to be very helpful to my wavering grade. We'll see tomorrow. I bet I plummeted down with a fatal thump to a B. Grr. Chem final was today...I didn't study. Again. But for the unit exam, I'd thought I did pretty well, taking into consideration that I didn't study and wholly lacked comprehension of the whole unit. Disappointingly, though, I scored exactly 80%. That was not very helpful toward my wavering grade, either. I went from a 90.8 to an 89.6. And there's also the second part of the final to take into consideration: the 40-question cumulative exam. I'd kept hearing that it was really hard, but I didn't see what was so difficult about it... But! I didn't have enough time! So I guessed on several of them. And I'm not a very lucky person. I may be slightly intrinsically psychic from time to time, but I am not a good guesser. Again, we'll see how that goes. PE final was lame...but somewhat fun at the end, while my friend and I were just hitting the volleyball (volleyball! yay!) back and forth for about ten minutes. Now turning back to Tuesday's finals: Spanish and English. Spanish was SO EXTREMELY boring! I haven't been bored, nor have I called anything boring, for a long time. But that final. Wow. Ultimate boredom right there. 100 questions. All Scantron. And it's not like any of them were challenging to any extent whatsoever, either! I wanted to fall asleep about one-fourth way into the test. Now, I've said that I didn't study for math or chem, but Spanish... I literally did not even bother to pick up any notes nor look through my book. But I'm okay with that. English final was really fun, to contrast with. We did a variety of activities...which were fun, indeed.

(Please pause for a commercial break while the sponsor eats her dinner.)

And now I'm back with breaking news: my legs hurt. Both of them. I realize that I ran today...but I really don't think it's because of that. Ugh, they hurt like never before.

Home looks so much different now that finals are over. No, literally, it does. When I got home from volunteer work (Need I point out this obvious oxymoron? Oh, would you look at that? I just did.), I saw a couch down in the parking lot. It looked oddly familiar, and as I approached it, I saw that it was ours! I ran up the stairs and rang the doorbell more frantically than usual (although, usually I'm not in a rush, nor do I see our couch downstairs). I stepped inside, and before even taking off my shoes, saw a mohagony desk jutting out from behind the wall where the couch used to be. A desk. Right next to the computer desk. How...dandy. I suppose everything looks brighter because we can actually see the surfaces of everything, including the tables and the couch. And, um...the wall. Don't ask.

I feel so relieved today. Even though Deca competition is in exactly...(give me a minute to calculate this)...35 hours and 26 minutes from this exact moment (It is now 8:40 p.m.) But you know what? I don't feel stressed at all. Despite the shrieking fact that I don't know anything. Literally! So, hmm, we'll see how that turns out...if I come out still whole, that is.
But my beginning point was that today was a pretty good day. Lots of relief.

Hmm, what now?
I'm sure I have something to talk about...
(That rhymed!)

Do you ever feel like time is running out and soon, before you know it, what you had always known was going to happen all of a sudden just happens? I mean, there are times when you make all these plans for the future, and you know that at some point, you have to secure these plans, because believe it or not, there are deadlines in life. But then you go wishy-washy with decisions, whether they seem to be big or small, because you're not necessarily afraid, but apprehensive about other things and how that one decision might affect them. How it might affect you yourself and others around you. And then there are times when you question yourself: Why am I making all these plans, anyway? Does it matter so much to do this? Because quite often, people do things to consolidate their self-pride rather than personal values. I hope I've made my point comprehensible to you, because I'm running out of things to say.

Oh, gosh...Deca competition. Tomorrow's our "Academic Decathlon Cram", which means that in lieu of attending my six classes tomorrow, I will be staying in my Deca-haven-classroom, cramming. Gee, I can't wait for that! For once, that wasn't the least bit sarcastic.

Yesterday, we started watching Amadeus in history class. At first, I truly did not understand what was going on (as with many other movies), but as the story went on, I understood. It was a very good movie! I mean, we didn't finish, but it was good so far. Who ever knew Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had such a life? Then of course, some of it must have been fictionalized, because it is a movie, afterall.

Hmm, I suppose I'll do some writing now. (Like this wasn't writing.)


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