Unexpected Rain

It's raining quite hard at this moment. I didn't even expect it to rain anytime this week. Not that I've even thought about it...

So, that hideous mound of math homework that was awaiting me: I began it at 9 last night. It took me four hours to do just chapter 1! Of course, that was the "trial" chapter, because it was the first. When I was a little past halfway done with that chapter, I asked one of my classmates how much we have to do, and she said the teacher said "at least one page front and page per chapter"! When I finished, I had FOUR pages!! I couldn't, and still can't, get over how dumb it was. Is. I was long-windedly complaining to my friend about it, and then I realized that it's better to do more than less. But still. Seriously, if everyone hands in like, five sheets of paper (for five chapters' summaries).... Grr. I'm going to have at least fifteen. At least. Today, from about 12:30 p.m. till just before 5, I did two chapters. Well, I'm one lesson away from done for chapter 3. I'm telling you, if I do not get full credit (even though it's extra credit, but I really need it)...I will be extremely furious. Well, not furious. Just very mad. Unhappy. Whatever. I was thinking maybe, just maybe, I could even MAYBE get extra credit...from extra credit. Grr. I shall finish most of it by tonight. Today was actually the first and only day that I was focused only on homework. I think I might be proud of myself! Then again, I am doing it last minute while I had two whole weeks full of nothing important to do... Oh well. The important thing is that I get everything done before...I was about to say Monday, but Sunday night is preferable.

Wow, that must have been really boring to read. Because it was boring to tell. I like teachers who know that if they think what they are teaching is boring, then it must be boring for the students to learn.

Pointless, redundant stuff I'm saying today.

Maybe this is a sign that I ought to get back to my math homework. Devotion.

Here's another thing to add to the list of what I dislike/hate/find annoying:
when people use these big words, or just...WORDS, for that matter, and do not have any clue what they are saying. Gosh.

Twenty-two more days.


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