First Day of School

Today was literally the first day of school for the year. It felt extremely awkward. I mean, I didn't forget my locker combinations or anything, but I just felt like I should have been at home, sleeping through multiple alarms instead of walking around in a daze with all these somewhat, somehow familiar people near me. Most of my teachers were quite lenient today, for they were, as they claimed, trying to get back into school mode as well.

So, now, in math, instead of having a high, high B and a high possibility of an A, I now have an 86%. Because I D'ed my chapter test from before winter break. Great... Geez, if only I'd done some of the homework that week and actually paid attention to it (not the lesson in class), I would have done a lot better. But see, the thing was, there were plenty of word problems (which all came from the assignment[s] I did not do)...but after the test, I thought I would have ended up with at least a C. But no... I had a D-. 60 percent!! Argh! Even after all the extra credit I just did over the weekend, I'll only have 88.8%! That sickens me! Grr.

I cannot bear to bear a B in math again. Seriously: GRR.

I came home hungry about an hour ago and binged for like, forty minutes. Now I'm just about stuffed. Not good. Binging, I mean.

I probably should have mentioned this about a week ago, but it didn't occur to me until last night. People always say "new year, new beginning, new me" or something along those lines once a new year dawns. Let's look at it this way: You can't have a new beginning, because the beginning was the very first day of your life. And this very day is still part of the introduction or maybe rising action in the story of your life. Anything from last year won't disappear just because a digit or two changes. The same crapstuff will still remain. The same people will be there. Everything is still essentially the same. You can't possibly have a "new you" unless you've been reincarnated. Or whatever the true word is. The only thing that may be (Some people might not like to take the effort to take it down and put another up.) new is the calendar. Um...yeah, that's it about "new years."
Oh, speaking of "new years", it's Happy New Year, not Happy New Years. It's just ONE year. I don't know why, but stuff like that matters quite a bit to me.

Every time I see your face, I get a fierce desire to be lonesome.
I love that! If you didn't understand that, it was supposed to be an insult... I got it from a book of jokes and insults that I just happened to come across at the library on Saturday. No, really, I came across it; I was NOT looking for a joke/insults book.

Well, I guess I'll go do math homework now. Geez, everytime I think of math, I get apprehensive and hateful. Not to mention annoyed.


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