
What is wrong with the world today
And all these meaningless games we play
Lack of honor, integrity
No kindness, generosity
Full of empty words and broken promises
Full of blatant lies and hackneyed cliches
Everybody talks but nobody listens
Ignorance. Blissful, is it?
Someone who truly cares would be heartbroken
Seeing this ubiquitous, fatal ignorance.

Math final is tomorrow. Oh, goodness. I did the review guide for about half an hour, then fell asleep. Again. I've been taking afternoon naps for the past several weeks. But I guess it's okay, since I probably wouldn't be doing anything useful anyway. But I was studying! Then again, if I'm sleepy, I really can't absorb anything I'm reading. It just doesn't happen. Argh, MATHMATHMATH! I have to get 179 out of the 200 points it's worth to maintain my A. Otherwise, I'm dead. In a mathematically psychological sense. If that made any sense. Oh, no, I'm dead...
Wow, that was highly pessimistic. Okay, now for the pep! I can do it! (crickets chirping...audience goes silent)

Deca competition, Part II is this Saturday. CRAM! Honestly, though, I haven't studied for Deca since...last week. What with intervening finals and my ubiquitous naps, I can't really study much for it. (I just rolled my eyes at that. It sounded so pathetic--even I myself can tell.)

I guess that's about it for today. I must get back to studying for math. Wish me luck! On the final, I mean. Not that it'd matter anymore by the time you're reading this...unless right NOW (this very moment you're reading) happens to be Tuesday night...


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