True Love, Everytime

I got home about ten minutes ago, and I am currently consuming carrots. Haha, hey! That was alliteration!
The rain is coming down like drops of water from the sky. Oh wait, they are drops of water falling from the sky... Huh. What a wonder.
I do have homework today. But I won't start it til later. Probably much later. I started reading Size 14 Is Not Fat Either (sequel to Size 12 Is Not Fat) last night, and instead of studying chemistry, I continued reading until my eyes and my head hurt, which was about 11 p.m.

I don't know if it's because of the cold weather or something, but my ears have been especially sensitive for the past few days. In fifth period today, the people around me were YELLING to each other, even though they're barely three feet away from one another. And I was right in the middle of it. Gosh.
Okay, now I have 90.23% in math. That is a very dangerously close to B kind of A. Meaning, I have to be wary of my actions... Mathematically speaking, of course. And my math final is...exactly one week away. And we're still going to learn another lesson tomorrow! What the heck! I thought this was supposed to be review week! Although...she did tell us that we're not going to have time to review, so I guess it's fair.

Oh, I forgot to mention this, but I actually wrote in my journal (Yes, I have a journal, too.) the other day. I think it was Sunday. I wrote from 11 p.m. until almost 1:30 a.m. It was rather relieving, though I had written four or five pages by the time I went to sleep, but I was not even anywhere near halfway done with what I wanted to write. You probably don't care, because it's not as if you're going to read my journal or anything... Then again, it could happen. One day, when this millenium is ancient history and I've been long dead, maybe archaeologists or philanthropists will be excavating a deep, dark tunnel, and at the end of the tunnel, they'll see a bright, glorious light shining upon... Oh, they can't see it! They have to get closer! They creep toward the light, with revitalization, new hope, and excitement gleaming in their eyes. And there they uncover (not really, the object's just lying there) a stack of... What are these?! Notebooks?! And there just so happens to be sporadic accounts of a teenage girl's days. What a discovery, eh?

I think that my friend's imagination is starting to...or, well, has been rubbing off on (illegitimate oxymoron!) me.

I am very grateful for autosave, because I had to close the window because there was an Internet problem or whatever. If everything had been lost, I'd be kind of very frustrated right now. But obviously, it's all good.

And now I am at a clear loss for words. I believe that this is a sign signaling for me to voy a empezar mi tarea.

One last thing:
The Things You Do are Never Gone :)


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