25 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

(not in any specific order)
-get married (at least once)
-write a book that people will love
-attend an Ivy League school
-become editor-in-chief of a magazine/ newspaper
-cook a whole gourmet meal...or just bake a cake
-climb a tree
-get to like and understand mathematics well
-walk into a pole...accidentally, of course
-talk and reconnect with old friends for a whole day
-visit Europe
-see snow
-paint a "masterpiece"
-give a shot at teaching
-obtain a degree in psychology...and English, obviously
-go skydiving
-make a stranger happy
-get a mohawk or die my hair purple/blue for a short while (midlife crisis)
-become a widely acclaimed writer
-have a library's worth of books
-then establish a library in my name (that is, if I have enough money...)
-buy a nice house with lush green front and back yards
-learn to swim...in the ocean (Do people swim in oceans at all??)
-win lots of gold (I suppose silver's fine, too...) medals in Academic Decathlon :)
-become a skilled orator
-die peacefully...

The end :)


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