Quite Amazing

today was.

The mock speech/interview HIPP today was awesome. In fact, it was pretty amazing. I mean, I'm so pumped up right now. I did pretty well on the interview. They said I was thorough with my answers and enthusiastic (enough), etc, etc. But I have to remember to keep eye contact when I think about my answers and give specific examples for some things, and avoid "devaluing" some things. Otherwise, it was good. After interviews was lunch. As usual, we went down to Burger King (I seem to be having a lot of that this semester...) for comida. Next came speeches. I'd already memorized my speech. Surprisingly, though, lots of people didn't even have their speeches written yet! Then again, I don't blame them. I mean, there are still two more weeks. That's kind of good. And bad. Anyway, I was paired up with this one girl from another school to work on our speeches together. And after doing a few impromptus and doing our prepared speech, we started talking and getting to know each other. I mean, I didn't even know her name until halfway through our conversation when I looked at her jacket. Then, she asked me my name. It was pretty funny, how you can hold such a conversation with someone whose name you don't even know. It's also nice. And before the speeches, actually, right after the interviews, I met this other person who was in the same interview room as me, and I started talking to him. Or, well, him to me. But same difference (oxymoron alert!) in this case. And...yeah. That was nice, as well, of course. And also during the interviews, I noticed a particular person of the male species. So, of course, I paid special attention to his interview. (Those who were done with it were to sit in the back of the room and just listen to everyone else's after theirs. I was first, for once. And it actually wasn't bad, if you'd read above.) And guess what? Though not surprisingly, but disappointingly, he has a girlfriend. He was actually talking about something else first, then it led to that. So...yeah. I'm okay with it. I found out what school he's from, but by default. He unintentionally mentioned it during his interview. I say unintentionally because you're not supposed to say any school names during...speech or interview. And then after all the speeches, well, after we were basically finished, I actually spoke to him, and him to me. Even though it was only for like, ten seconds (That was an understatement.) it was good. I stupidly asked him what school he goes to. Haha. Gosh. But I think he did pay attention to my speech (not like he couldn't, seeing as how he didn't have anything else to do after he'd done his speech...), because he mentioned that it would be good in the morning. We were discussing the times when we would present our speeches on competition day, which is in exactly two weeks. I told my friend that I'd spoken to him, and she said I was smitten. I suppose so. But as with everything else, it's only ephemeral. But the point is, I made three new...well, not necessarily friends, but acquaintances today. Sadly, though, I'll probably only be able to see them two or three more times. Then when competition is all over, I won't see either of the members of the male species again, because they're seniors...and, yeah.
You know, I really enjoy talking with strangers. Well, not necessarily strangers, but just people who I don't know but who seem like I can trust. Or even not trust. The thing is that I can tell them anything, and they won't care, though they'll listen, because we don't know each other. Perhaps this is how some friendships begin. One person begins to talk to another despite their lack of familiarity. Then a connection somehow forms. Or not. Yeah...I just enjoy holding conversations with "strangers". And I mean, I REALLY enjoy it.
So...yes, today was an amazing day, even though I did have to get up early. My speeches, I think, were good. The judges suggested that I give more examples rather than have so many different philosophies for my prepared speech. And, oh, the impromptu wasn't even impromptu. They handed us the page of topics right when we arrived in the morning, so we had all morning/some noon to prepare for...impromptu. Which is just wrong, but it was okay, I guess. I did really well on that, because I was totally ready for it because I'd already prepared for one under each category. But...yeah. I'm sort of lacking chronological order today. Please excuse that.

As for the history test, I've finally made up my mind. Due to a conversation I had with one of the corners of the square last night, and it was a good conversation, by the way, and after I talked to the other corner of the square about an hour ago, I feel a lot, a lot better now. Not that I wasn't feeling much better last night. I mean, he was so understanding about it that I felt bad that he felt bad that I felt bad. I bet you have to read that over again, haha. Anyways...I'm grateful that I have such...understanding friends. Honestly, this is one of the few times that I'm grateful for anything about my friends. Sad, right? I know. But...yeah. I'm just telling the raw truth here. And truth does hurt. But so do lies, and I'd pick the truth over lies any day. I can live with the consequences of truth. Lies have to be lived and prolonged, yet the consequences still occur. And they may even be worse. So why go with that? They say that the truth will set you free. I suppose that in some ways, it does. But then again, if you murdered a person, and you're in court, telling them the truth will land you in prison. So, that's another case of "there is more than one side to everything." It sounds to me like I've got a new speech coming up. Anyways.

One of the topics for impromptu speech that I really liked and could have/would have worked with was "What are the qualities of real friendship?" While planning how to do that, I came up with the first two sentences, then a rough sketch of the rest of the speech: Since the beginning of time, real friendship has always been hard to find. Many qualities are required for a real friendship, some of which, I believe, are honesty, faith, and understanding. Thus goes back to the previous paragraph about having understanding friends and, now, I realize, real friendship.

I really feel like doing my "Where do you see yourself ten years from now?" speech right now. So, I shall indulge myself in further writing. Or, well, typing:
Ten years from now, I will be twenty-six and, hopefully, still alive. Though I will never know what might or might not happen, I can still hope. By that time, I hope to be in the process of writing a book soon to be published, have a successful career as the editor of a magazine or newspaper, and last of all, be in a good, stable relationship with no intention of marrying.
I've always loved to read. And in third grade, I realized that I loved to write, also. I have read so many books in my life, and I'm sure that I will keep on doing that. But I'd also like to write my own books and have others read them. I think that the best books are those that stir the reader's emotions, and I would like to be able to do that. I want to write a book that someone can pick up over and over again, each time still feeling the emotions that I intend to evoke.
I'd like to be an editor of a magazine or newspaper because just recently, I found out that I'm pretty good at finding other people's mistakes. Especially grammatical ones. So I think I'd be very good for that job. Plus, it's an important job. And I'd like holding an "important position."
The last place
I'd like to be ten years from now (not a very good order of words there--so not how I meant to put it) is in a good, stable relationship without the intention of marrying. I mean, I do think about marriage every now and then, but I just can't ever imagine myself married to anyone, because I'm not a very "commitment" type of person. But hopefully, maybe someday, after some good relationships here and there, I will change my mind.
A lot of things can happen in ten years. And though it's a long time from now, I hope to be writing a book, having a successful career as an editor, and being in a stable relationship.

That's almost exactly what I said. Except it's a bit more eloquently put, especially in the second body paragraph. But...I liked it. The judges like it. One of them said that it was "crystal clear." Haha. Then again, it wasn't really impromptu because everyone already had the topics way beforehand anyway.

I feel really really good today. Today was simply amazing. We'll see how long this feeling lasts. I'm going to begin studying now. Or just do homework. Prep for studying/ doing homework. Notice the word "prep". In my case, it could mean just about anything, from eating to reading something unrelated to school.


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