Ironic World

Competition. Is. TOMORROW.
TOMORROW! Speech, interview, essay...
But you know what? I'm not even nervous. In fact, I should be "Sparking" The Red Badge of Courage or at least reading it right now. But I'm obviously not. Or I could be practicing my speech or working on impromptu speeches.
Monday is the history test, which now happens to be on only chapter 21, not 21 and 22. Tuesday is Spanish and English finals (whatever to both). Wednesday is math (AGH!!) and history (not really, since we're taking the test on Monday). Thursday chemistry (eh...) and P.E. I'm just glad that chemistry and math aren't on the same day. That'd be killer. Homicidal. If that's even a word. Then two days later, it's DECA finals! In a way. Next week is going to be stressful. Way stressful.

The other night, I couldn't fall asleep for the longest time because I was thinking about classes for next semester and next school year. After about half an hour of tossing and turning, I thought that maybe writing it down would ease me. So I wrote it down. But no...I kept thinking about it! Apprehension...or ahold of me that night. A few minutes later, I started thinking about all the big deals that are coming up! Like now and February: finals and Deca. March: piano exam. April: nothing (Thank goodness). May: AP exam and those darned standardized tests. June through August: summer school. Skip a few months, November: SAT testing. I wrote that down as "2008 Priorities" and finally fell asleep within the next half hour.

Agh, competition's tomorrow!

I think I should do something enormous (not ginormous) the day after Deca subject matter competition. Sunday...hmm. Piano lesson. Dagnabbit. Thereafter, I have to stick to the piano like masking tape. For the piano exam will then be less than 28 days away. Geez.

I realize that for a quiet person, I sure talk a lot. To some people. Or to myself, as in here. Then agian, I'm also speaking to you, in a way, or else I wouldn't address some issues the way I do. Okay, that did not make sense. But if it did, then good for you. I'm being extremely discursive.

Have I mentioned that it's been raining rather hard for Los Angeles weather for the past three or four days? Well, it has. And it's probably going to rain until Sunday. I really don't want it to rain tomorrow, though... Everyone's going to be dressed in business attire, and then comes the rain, falling upon those nice clothes... Which reminds me--I have to figure out what to wear for tomorrow right now.
And it's quite obvious that I've long since run out of things to say anyway.


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