A Way

If only I could find a way to keep this memory always,
To remember this special day among other days,
So the moments would endlessly be true
Endlessly be real
So I could picture them any, every time
So long live you and so long live I
And so long lives this rhyme
I will persistently try
To find a way.

I think that was pretty good! :)

This afternoon was, almost like last Saturday, amazing. But in its own specially different way. Who ever thought that sharing music and uttering random but relative words could be so fun? Not I. In fact, I'd never even thought of such a thing. Or...maybe I'm highly mistaken. Hmm, I probably am. But today was a fantastic Friday, indeed.
The English district period assessment is so gay and lame. Boring, too! Grr. Expository writing is not too exciting to write. And imagine reading it! Blech! The chem one was relatively easy, though. I'd wanted to study because I'd expected it to be quite difficult, but undoubtedly, I ended up not studying (I was doing history notes) at all. It's really nice how things always work out. And I'm not just saying that because the test that I didn't study for was easy. I'm simply taking the opportunity to mention that now. And here it is again: It's really nice how things always work out. I truly think that no matter what, things always work out in the end. For something to "work out", though, doesn't necessarily mean that it's a "fairy-tale, happily-ever-after ending". We're simply left at a place in which we are content and relieved to be. Hmm. Writing this paragraph's making me happy :)

Tomorrow is yet another HIPP workshop day. And it's not speech/interview, which means I can't not study. Therefore, by deductive reasoning...and common sense, I have to study tonight. Which is, well, now, actually. I hope to see my new acquaintances again. (Imagine a wistfully hopeful expression on my face right now. Hold that picture for three seconds. Fade.)
The first half of competition is next Saturday, exactly seven days from now. I'm sorry if repeatedly mentioning this is becoming a burden to you. But I simply must. It's like, ubiquitous in my mind. Seriously. Second half the following Saturday... Then I shall be done. And hopefully successful... Huh.

Oh, wow. I think I'm getting sleepy already. Oh, wait. I am. Gee, who would have thunk it? Four to five hours of sleep every day for the past two weeks is really enough for a growing, trying teenager! (That was sarcasm, by the way.)

The word debauchery has been stuck in my head for the past couple of days. And now that I've finally dictionary.com'ed it, I feel much relieved. "Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures." Hmm. Fascinating.
I always forget sublime. "Elevated or lofty in though, language, etc." I'd like to think that that suits some of my posts... Key words being "I'd like to think".

Aw, man... I'm really really happy now. And nothing's even happening over here. It's just me, the keyboard, a lone song, my parents, the tv (which I'm not watching)... I loved today. Or, well, just this afternoon. But the afternoon made the rest of the day good. Well, previous to the afternoon, anyway. Okay, I think I'm confusing you again.

I now bid you a good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night...whenever you are reading this... as I run along (not really) and study (while sitting in front of the computer) for tomorrow (yay!--not sarcasm).


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