Eres una idiota.

Estoy bromeando.

I really don't have much to say today, and I've got to say that I'm not feeling very poetic at the moment. Maybe it was the math homework I just finished without knowing at all what I was even doing. I know it wasn't the history notes, because I did that last night as well, but I came up with some juicy material to write. Yeah, probably the math... Or maybe it's just the uneventful-ness of today, though much more happened today...Oh wait, never mind. Gosh, I'm already irking myself with what I'm saying. Or not saying. However you want to look at it. Or not look at it.

Maybe I should have said Soy una idiota instead.

I think I'll just go and...discontinue this. I'm boring myself and boring you.
I apologize for the redundace and impertinence of this post.

The next one shall be better.


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