Stupid Lying Jerk(s)

I hate people who blatantly break their sealed promises. Or, I hate it when they break them. Whatever. If I was never mad at anyone before, I'm mad at someone now. Gosh.
I don't even want to talk about it. Doing so would just infuriate me even further.
Then again, that was my hook. Oh, well.

Spanish and English finals tomorrow...I'm literally not going to study for the former...nor the latter. So I guess I'm not studying for either of 'em, then. Math...ARGH. I still have that 90.4%, and I cannot afford to get anything below a B+ or possibly even an A on the final. For chemistry, either! The pressure's on! Yet, I'm still sitting here, leisurely blogging and listening to music. Huh. What a wonder.

It's quite unbelieveable that no rain came today. Oh wait. It did rain. In sixth period. At the beginning, it was relatively sunny but still chilly. As the period went on, though, it became absolutely freezing. Then it began to drizzle. Then the drizzle drops got harder and bigger! It was so freaking cold. When we were finally dismissed, all the girls had to stand outside in that weather because none of the entrances were open! So we were all just standing out there, waiting for someone to open the doors. Then the female P.E. teacher came out and said she didn't have the key on her! Go figure! After a long enough time to catch pneumonia and sue the school later, someone finally came and opened the doors. Gee-whiz!
So I had a pretty despicable afternoon.
And now I feel a headache coming on...

I can't wait to read Big Boned. Gavin McGoren! Yay! Again, I have come to resort to fictional characters (way beyond my age league, not to mention...but only by several years) because real life is so full of stupid lying jerks! Hmph!

Maybe I ought to go take a nap right now. I'm starting to feel sleepy. Again.
I wonder what "nap" in Spanish is...


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