Midnight Indulgences

I know it's either way too late or way too early to be blogging, but hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Or, well, maybe it's just me. Whatever.

I'm feeling especially sleepy right now, because I've been reading for the past two and a half hours. I finally finished Size 14 Is Not Fat. Gavin McGoren! The next book is Big Boned. And it's already come out! I hope. I need to seek that for sure.

As for today...or, well, yesterday's competition, GAH! The interview went well, I guess, but I did so much better during the mock one two weeks ago, where I met Mr. Birmingham (whom I did see but did not greet today), which is a shame (the doing better for the mock than for the real part, I mean). I kind of stuttered and hesitated and said a lot of redundantly repetitive things. Maybe all my responses were far too long, because I was asked only five or six questions. You know what I've noticed? They always ask about piano and Chinese School. Well, they are on my resume (Where's the accent mark when you need one?)... but okay. Never mind. My prepared speech went very well. But the impromptu was extremely, gayishly lame. I mean, what kind of a lame topic is Are high schools meeting the needs of students in the 21st century? (or something like that) anyway? That's fugly! Haha, okay, so that adjective doesn't usually go along the lines of describing a speech topic, but still. Needless to say, I totally sucked at that.
But before all that...we had essay, for which everybody was in the Bravo Knights gym, situated with people from other schools. I'm not too sure I did very well on my essay, either...but hey, I tried. I mean, sure I forgot like, the most pertinent point...but I did manage to stick in a few good points here and there within those 50 minutes. And I met someone (during Essay time)! Well, actually, I met a lot of someones today. Okay, that was a slight fib. I met a few someones. But one in particular. Gosh, I ought to have memorized his (or it could very well be a her... You can put on a look of doubt on your face now.) last name. But it was so long! And complicated! Well, not that long, but complicated indeed. Anyway, he was nice and wished me "Good luck all the way" when we did our sorrowful parting (not really, we both were sort of glad to be out of there). I am seriously lame sometimes. I either say the dumbest things, or I dumbly don't say anything. I'm pretty sure, though...hopefully, anyway, that I said, "You, too." Then I saw him (or her! [cue doubtful expression]) again later on in the day, after both of us did our interview/speeches. (We had the same times, but different locations, so...yeah. I was so not a stalker. Today...I mean, yesterday.) By the time we left, I found myself frequently looking back and checking to see if their school was behind us... Yeah, right. Like I really have that kind of luck. Actually, though, I was lucky enough (in a way) to meet him... And this one other girl who's not even in Deca at all but who was just volunteering there and helping out and stuff. So I guess I made some (as in two, but probably one, the other simply and sadly only an acquaintance) new friends today. This is one of the prime reasons why I have come to just love Deca: meeting new people. And the ease of it. Sometimes. Even though the other person is from one of your rival schools. Although practically every school is a rival school against yours, because you're all going for the same thing: ...which is...I don't really know. But to do better than others, I guess? Huh, I sure to make Deca sound suspiciously ominous sometimes. But it's not! Anyway, I really could have done a lot better today, but I guess it's okay, because it's all done with and in the past. Next matter to tackle: subject matter and Super Quiz at UCLA next Saturday. Oh, wait. Finals are before that. Dagnabb-freaking-it.
I know I've just said this, but I love Deca. 90 percent of the time, anyway. Hmm, actually, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't love it. Or at least like it. I love going to workshops and competition (albeit the stress) and meeting new people.
There! If I'm always so interested in meeting new people and constantly have all these new people to be newly smitten with, how can I possibly be married for years upon years?
Okay, I'm not making myself look like a very positive person, or even role model, much less, right now. Not that I'm really anyone's role model. Oh, gracious. If I was anyone's role model...I probably wouldn't be too content with that, unlike most other people. I get annoyed very easily. You probably don't see what that has to do with role-modeling... Then again, assumptions kill. Figuratively speaking, of course.

Oh, gosh, I am so incredibly sleepy. And I have piano lesson tomorrow. And history to study (ahem, CRAM) for. And chemistry to work on. And this really dumb math worksheet to do. Seriously, I don't understand how graphing squares, stars, and other unspeakable shapes on a graphing calculator could or would ever apply in real life in any way whatsoever. Ugh. Dumb worksheet. Stupid shapes. Grr. So I realize that I get obsessively upset whenever I speak of mathematics... Gee, I really wonder why.

So, I'm really excited for next Saturday. Even though it only means that I have AWHOLEFREAKINGLOT to CRAM for. And by cram, I mean cram to the ultimate definition. Ultimate, okay? Ultimate.
Then Saturday also means that I'll be that much closer to not seeing my "new acquaintances" ever again. Or, at least, the senior ones, anyway. But even though Mr. Essay today is a junior...I was told by he himself that he may not be in Deca next year. I really hope not, though, 'cause it'd be nice to see him again. I hope by now, you've figured out that the person is, indeed, a member of the male species. Don't be confused, now.

Gee, I'm so tired, I've resorted to using wordshortages. Oh, hey, would you look at that? I came up with a new word. For myself, anyway. The "wordshortage" I was referring to, by the way, was "'cause".

Oh, Gavin McGoren.
Seriously, there's got to be something very wrong with me. I mean, come on. FICTIONAL CHARACTERS? Who does that?! Well, okay, my sister does. But I have influence on her! That's not good enough to comfort me. Maybe I can blame society, and not just the male species of it, either, but as a whole. Geez, what is wrong with people these days, anyway? Why can't we all just get along? Everyone would be so much better off if we'd all simply...in a way, leave each other alone. Or mind our own business. Seriously.

Anyway, I'm kind of being rushed off to sleep now. And hey, I'm in no position to object, seeing as how I'm so sleepy anyway. Didn't I start off with "I'm so sleepy"? Huh.
Well, just for the sake of needless repetition, I'm sleepy.


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