The Decisions I Make

are sometimes so extremely foolish, but it's not like I can just turn back time and redo anything. So I'll just suck it up and...not necessarily forget about it, because how could I forget such things? But once something else comes along, I'll have another matter to think about, another decision to make. It's usually still quite foolish, and it's usually the same mistake(s). But like I so enthusiastically assert in my Deca speech: Mistakes are meant to be made and meant to be learned from. Don't say that you won't make the same mistake twice, because there is more than one lesson to each and every one of them.

I was expecting to stay after school today, but then unexpectedly, neither of the Deca coaches was present, so obviously, after-school session was cancelled. Dagnabbit. And I actually wanted and was ready to stay today, too! But I guess since I'm home now, blogging, I didn't want to stay as much as I thought I did.

I'm sure you know of the saying "Follow your heart." I'm dubious, however, that I've ever heard "Follow your mind." And I wonder why. No matter what your heart is telling you, it can still steer you in a...not wrong, per se, but just not the better direction. You also have to think logic and common sense. Hmm, okay, now I know. It's the id, ego, and superego at combat. I think I want to read back on that sometime...

Pft. Sometime translates to never, in my case.

Argh. Finals. Competition. Piano exam. Eh...
(I now realize I haven't said "eh" in a long time.)

Hmm, I hope this Saturday will be as fantastic as last Saturday... Last Saturday was simply (and I mean simply) amazing. But that's long been in the past. Though that doesn't mean that it has to be forgotten... Huh.

I've been using ellipses quite a bit these past few days. Indecisive much? I think so.


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