Un Ballo en Maschera

Un ballo en maschera:
I see now that life is just that--
People donning masks
Concealing their individual identities,
mascheras being their entire entities
And simply nothing else
With nothing, no story to tell
Making an entrance through the ostentatious door
Stepping onto the overcrowded dance floor
Gliding around, prancing
No identities,
Masked entities
Nothing else
No story to tell
It's the same thing, over and over again
Put on a mask and pretend
Step into a world they think they understand
A world where there's nothing but pretentious glam
Where they know they'll fit in
Where everyone else is already at or has already been--
Life is just that:
A masked ball.

Un Ballo en
(or "in") Maschera is actually the name of one of the songs I'm studying for Deca. About two minutes prior to beginning this post, I was just getting soup in the kitchen, and it suddenly occurred to me that life is a masked ball. And since I know that un ballo en maschera means "masked ball," I began writing the above poem. I don't know about you, but I like it. Heck, if you don't, then there must be something wrong with you. Go get help.
Haha, I'm just kidding ;)
About the you having a problem and having to go get help part, I mean.

Today's workshop was disappointingly boring. And my scores were quite disappointing, as well. I mean, fine, I didn't study as I was supposed to, though I did quite thoroughly read through a few sections last night and woke up at 6 a.m. (SIX! on a Saturday!) today so that I could study before going off to "school." For music, I missed a 90% by ONE question. Dagnabbit. Art...eh, I really could have done better. IF I HAD STUDIED. Super quiz... Ha. Ha. Ha. That was truly pathetic, especially since THAT was what I was studying for last night and this morning. But oh well. That just proves that I have to work harder...or just study harder. For February 2nd, exactly two Saturdays from now. 14 days... and counting. I think the ticking of the clock just got louder. Am I now conscious of miniscule, usually neglected sounds of everyday life now? It could be a good thing. My senses are more acute (supposedly)...hence, my mind shall be, as well! (Hopefully.)
Another disappointment: I didn't see my favorite new acquaintance! I saw the other two, though I didn't go up to them and greet them...though I probably should have. Well, one, I kept seeing, and I kind of smiled at him, but then he was just...looking. So what should I have done, huh? So, whatever. The other one...Oh, yeah! I forgot that her school placed first in Super Quiz today...as with just about every other time. But I didn't see her in the line up. At least, not as far as I'm aware. Which was, at that particular moment, not very. I'm mixing up my tenses here. As for my "favorite acquaintance"... Well, he didn't even come to workshop today. Actually, now that I've thought about it, I don't think that school ever comes! Maybe it was only last week, for the "practice." Hmm.

I am determined to spend Monday studying for Deca. I cannot screw up in competition. I mean, I certainly can, but it certainly wouldn't be very nice. It'd be damaging to my ego and pride, too! Not that I have so much of either of those. Usually. Well, you know what I mean. Or maybe not. Assumptions...

Grr, and I have to practice piano. Okay, not grr. Just...I-want-to-keep-playing-but-I-don't-like-practicing-but-I-know-I-can't-get-better-without-doing-so-and-I'm-taking-the-exam-in-less-than-two-months-so-I-kind-of-really-have-to kind of grr.

There's one thing (That was a complete understatement. There is plenty on my mind, in case all this writing has not convinced you so. But "one thing" that somehow ought to deserve "special attention because it's so unordinary. I really think this is too much stuff to include within a set of parentheses.) on my mind...
It may or may not become a nuisance of a dilemma one of these days. But I suppose that for now, I'll just keep it to myself, considering what adversity and perversity exist in my existence.

I hope you found (or FIND) reading today's post distinctively fun and fascinating. Because this, for once in the past week or longer, was truly, fascinatingly fun to write.

up, up, and away!
Well, I'll get my butt up off the chair, and get my whole body up from sitting position, then walk away from the computer, into...

to be continued.


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