It would be nice if...

-commercials and advertisements didn't "stretch the truth"
-profanity did not exist
-violence disappeared
-discrimination and prejudice didn't separate everybody so easily
-the simplest things did not make people mad at each other
-competition were only for economic stimulation
-natural occurrences (e.g. rain, wind) weren't so destructive
-movies were actually created in the locations the stories happen
-the people you trust most (e.g. doctors) didn't try to swindle your money
-money weren't the root of most evil
-evil, although it can never disappear for purposes of balance, weren't so strong
-people could overcome temptation and abovementioned evil
-everybody got along
-gasoline prices went back down to 89 cents a gallon... at most
-enough people cared about the environment
-education were truly free
-freedom were pure
-anything were pure
-honesty and compassion were universal traits
-people were sincere to and with one another
-friendships lasted a lifetime
-"forever" actually entailed that lifetime
-people used grammar correctly... all the time
-"your" and "you're" and "their", "there", and "they're" were used appropriately
-unhappy teenagers got over whatever they don't like
-really unhappy people accepted help or heeded advice
-all teachers actually taught
-homework didn't actually feel like busywork
-when everybody's okay, people could just let each other be
-happiness could be multiplied, sorrow could be divided
-students didn't have to pay to apply for financial aid
-everybody had the opportunity to die peacefully and happily
-one thing could not scar somebody for life
-appreciation were shown for each time somebody helped somebody else
-people let go of fantasies and started working on their goals
-life worked out nicely, but it's got a multi-personality mind of its own.


Mon said…
If only...

"-happiness could be multiplied, sorrow could be divided"

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