What's the big deal?

It's only another year. It's not like things are going to happen any differently, not like people are going to really change, not like a new world has begun. You post a new calendar, erase or cross out your mis-written dates for a few weeks, and then you'll forget that only (insert amount of time here) ago, you "celebrated" a new year. Let's look at it this way. Why celebrate only the night of December 31st or the day of January 1st? Why not celebrate, say, September 30th for the arrival of October 1st? I guess I'm just a lot less excited about every "new year" than everybody else is. But you know what? Happy new year anyway! (By the way, why do people pluralize year when it's one singular new year? You can't be living two years simultaneously unless you're on pills or something.)

Yesterday, I finished the majority of my college application stuff. It's funny that I submitted the supplements so nonchalantly and even haphazardly in comparison to the way I submitted the Common Application itself. Repeatedly, I checked the boxes... then went back to print preview, back to the writing part. And then again to the boxes... For nearly half an hour, I fretted; my hands trembled as I checked the boxes, all the while knowing that I would just go back anyway. Finally, I pressed submit. The power of the submit button is mighty. Every time I press it, I feel completely liberated. And in my mind goes, "Hallelujah!" with the musical tone and everything; sometimes, I type it out to whoever I'm talking to on AIM, too.
Today, I have two to do. Well, one is due tomorrow, but I might as well do it today. It's not good to procrastinate like I did. Ha.

Earlier, I looked at the "virtual tour" of one of the campuses I'm applying to. All of a sudden, I realized that that didn't look like a place I would thoroughly enjoy. Then I got scared. Am I looking at all the wrong places? Is it a mistake to want to go somewhere completely foreign... with sunlight for only half the year? Most of all... Is this what I really want? It really scared me. For a second or two, I actually contemplated not applying to that school, until it hit me that every place that I have applied to might be the same. So why not apply here, too? Ahh, I hope I don't make the wrong decision for myself in April.

It's fourteen minutes to one. If it weren't for all these mindless college football games and that never-ending parade, I would be able to watch my favorite soap operas. Dagnabbit.

Oh, yeah. So... I hope that by saying the following I don't jinx anything, but I noticed last night that commonapp.org wasn't jammed or whatever! Okay, hopefully it won't be tonight, either.
And asdfjkl; Mrs. L has not submitted my letters of recommendation.

I think in my last post I wrote about moving in... Yeah, I'm back in Chinatown. Have been since Wednesday, and I love it. I missed this place so much, and to be here is just blissful. But I have to go back to 3410 tonight for some function my dad is hosting for his friends. Wonderful, golly fun that shall be! Yeah, not really.

For this paragraph, I will be very vague... A few of you might know who I'm going to be referring to, though: She thinks she's sharing her so-called pain with other people and that she has such a terrible life. And then she goes and dons the persona of the perfect optimist. Back to the sharing part... It's a bit too much. I mean, there are just some things better left unsaid, and she says it all anyway. In writing. To the public. Plus, it's exaggerated. She's so good at being nice to everybody but us; she finds a way to take advantage of the people she knows will not say no to her; she asks for the most useless things and usually gets them. I feel like it's been a constant rivalry, and I don't comprehend how it became like this. A moment of friendliness quickly transforms into an hour of silence. She thinks she's the only one who wishes it weren't like this. She isn't.
So there. I revealed a particularly "private" part of my life. I don't think this shall happen again any time soon.

Time needs to stop going by so quickly for the next three or four weeks. I still need to begin work for biology and for... oh, gosh, for Deca. What the heck. Yeah, I don't like January very much.

Yeah, we gotta start looking at the hands of the time we've been given
If this is all we've got, then we gotta start thinking
If every second counts on a clock that's ticking
Gotta live like we're dying

We've only got 86,400 seconds in a day
To turn it all around or throw it all away
We gotta tell them we love 'em while we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying


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