Pillows and Blankets

I miss my bed. I am extremely sleepy and even more tired. Since 6 p.m. I have been feeling cold but haven't done anything about it. Oh, except shower about twenty minutes ago. It's not 12:34 a.m. My nose has been feeling congested for almost the whole day, and I felt a headache coming on before I showered. Why, oh why? :(

Today, Science Bowl scrimmage was hilariously interesting. In the beginning, anyway. To make a potentially long story short, it was as casual as any academic (practice) competition can get. And it was fun until such beastly schools as GHCHS and VHS took over and dominated. Then we just left. Haha.
Because I had to wake up early for this event, I slept only five hours last night, the shortage of which probably contributed to my current state.

After Science Bowl, I came home and watched Thursday and yesterday's episodes of "Days of Our Lives". I hope that it won't stop airing for a long time because it really is my favorite soap opera. "General Hospital" is still good, but I just have not watched it online to catch up like I have been doing for the other.
Around two o' clock, I went out on a "lunch date" at Ono Hawaiian Barbecue or whatever it's called. Then we went to Nubi yogurt because it is having a "50% off all yogurt" promotion sale thing until February 14th. Hence, what we usually pay nearly four dollars for at Yogurtland, cost only $2.90 there today! Strawberry-kiwi (or maybe the inverse) sorbet, raspberry pomegranate, and mango tart flavors are delectably delicious. Yummy!

After a while, I went home and watched television, then fell asleep while sitting upright with the blanket covering my head. At one point, I heard myself being to snore, then I just lied down on the couch and slept for half an hour. After dinner, my mother, my sister and I went to Ross. I used to love shopping there, but for some reason, I can't ever find anything there anymore. Not even jeans! Actually, I have been having difficulty finding anything anywhere anymore. And I have no clue why... But I do know that I need jeans and long sleeves.

Oh, and sleep. That I shall tend to now.
I had something "meaningful" to talk about tonight. I thought about it while I was showering earlier, but I guess talking about other things just made me forget. Oh, well. It's all good.

And to all a good night!


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