Talk about stress!

The week has barely begun (I considered today Sunday) and I am already stressing out about this week in addition to the following two or three. On top of that, I am getting sick. My throat is currently drier than desert sand, and my voice is starting to become raspberries. Ahhh.

tomorrow: AP Bio test, art project
Wednesday: bio lab
Thursday: after school--run? Deca?
Geez, I don't even know how to list these things anymore. All I know is how busy I am, even when I'm not doing anything. Or maybe it's particularly when I'm not doing anything. I still need to submit FAFSA and other financial aid documents to all TEN schools I applied to. And make sure I haven't missed anything. And SLEEP so I don't become so sick that I appall my interviewers next week.
I had always assumed that the months following college applications would be easy. But they are so enormously difficult. For me, anyway.

Happiness is a state of mind.
I need to keep happiness in mind for these upcoming weeks!


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