January School Days...
Surprisingly, today felt like any other Monday, filled with exhausting "can it be weekend yet?" wishfulness. Also surprisingly, though, it passed by quite quickly... Nothing out of the ordinary occurred today, other than the fact that Ms. G actually left us with a substitute for Spanish today. Something about something in the hospital--not like I would have completely understood. She also left us with an essay assignment! Two hundred-forty words on what we did over winter break. Well, that ought to be fun... Later. Ha.
I am so sleepy and so unaccustomed to waking up at 5:30 a.m. That is one thing I definitely will not miss after high school. I mean, who would really willingly wake up at 5:30 a.m. to do anything anyway? Even the sun would not! I miss my bed, though.
So in Spanish class today, everybody just socialized or slept. I did the former just because I can't sleep in there like I used to, for some reason. Those of us in the back corner talked about books and English teachers and winter break and whatever stuff that strangers chat about. It was nice, I guess, since I knew I wasn't going to start the essay or read the book for Lit.
Skipping to Lit... Mrs. L is so funny. She showed us a Black Eyed Peas video in which flash mobs led the crowd. I really enjoyed it, watching all that togetherness. Everybody happily doing the same thing, for once. Oprah Winfrey obviously loved it. And then she (Mrs. L) started talking about Crime and Punishment and assigned us yet another seemingly ridiculous task for homework.
Hmm, I just realized that I missed a significant scholarship deadline. Oh, well. I tried when I could. There'll be other opportunities.
I hope I don't get more than one B this semester. Or else I might cry... I dislike crying. :(
Last year, I wanted very much to attend Winter Formal, but that didn't happen. This year... I kind of really want to. But we shall see. I haven't even filled out, much less turned in, my forms yet.
One last thing before I end this unusually, awfully bland post. In Lit today, Mrs. L told us about something called "internal monologues". She told us to put our heads down and close our eyes for a few minutes. After those few minutes, we were to write on paper everything that had gone through our minds during the silence. "It's like talking to yourself!" she said. Although some people may have thought that that was lame or whatever, I thought it was brilliant. So much so that I smiled in my mind.
Today you can go to a gas station and find the cash register open and the toilets locked. They must think toilet paper is worth more than money.
-Joey Bishop

I am so sleepy and so unaccustomed to waking up at 5:30 a.m. That is one thing I definitely will not miss after high school. I mean, who would really willingly wake up at 5:30 a.m. to do anything anyway? Even the sun would not! I miss my bed, though.
So in Spanish class today, everybody just socialized or slept. I did the former just because I can't sleep in there like I used to, for some reason. Those of us in the back corner talked about books and English teachers and winter break and whatever stuff that strangers chat about. It was nice, I guess, since I knew I wasn't going to start the essay or read the book for Lit.
Skipping to Lit... Mrs. L is so funny. She showed us a Black Eyed Peas video in which flash mobs led the crowd. I really enjoyed it, watching all that togetherness. Everybody happily doing the same thing, for once. Oprah Winfrey obviously loved it. And then she (Mrs. L) started talking about Crime and Punishment and assigned us yet another seemingly ridiculous task for homework.
Hmm, I just realized that I missed a significant scholarship deadline. Oh, well. I tried when I could. There'll be other opportunities.
I hope I don't get more than one B this semester. Or else I might cry... I dislike crying. :(
Last year, I wanted very much to attend Winter Formal, but that didn't happen. This year... I kind of really want to. But we shall see. I haven't even filled out, much less turned in, my forms yet.
One last thing before I end this unusually, awfully bland post. In Lit today, Mrs. L told us about something called "internal monologues". She told us to put our heads down and close our eyes for a few minutes. After those few minutes, we were to write on paper everything that had gone through our minds during the silence. "It's like talking to yourself!" she said. Although some people may have thought that that was lame or whatever, I thought it was brilliant. So much so that I smiled in my mind.
Today you can go to a gas station and find the cash register open and the toilets locked. They must think toilet paper is worth more than money.
-Joey Bishop