Effervescing Cheer

And to think that I felt so miserably tired for the whole day. I had an unexpectedly wonderful night that was catalyzed by the final discovery of three of my new favorite songs! Ahh, I love music. And then I had an hour and a half conversation with HL. Followed by an hour of ROCK, then half an hour of piano after I got home.

I absolutely adore long, meaningful conversations, particularly those in person and in a nice environment. Which was exactly what I had tonight. It feels incredible to spew all my thoughts out, knowing that my confidant is trustworthy and all that good stuff a true friend should be. But I really do feel bad sometimes, though, because I frequently dump my dilemmas on him, whereas he barely does so to me. But I suppose that if he's okay with it, then so am I. I do love to hear other people's life stories, though. They're so good to learn from or even just to listen to.

Until earlier, I had almost forgotten the pure bliss playing the piano can evoke. I started off extremely warily and horribly (yes, I admit that to you all), but soon escalated my confidence and played more... Um, just more, I guess. Haha. I really didn't want to stop, but it was already past eleven at night, and I don't particularly wish to be a victim of any neighborhood conflict. Perhaps I should knock on some wood. Oh, look! The desk on which this laptop sits is made of wood!

For the past week, I have felt so burdeningly sleepy. Today, I tried to sleep in bio, but I just couldn't! I actually haven't slept in bio since November. Congratulations to me! That's actually the only class in which I constantly feel sleepy. The semi-darkness probably has something to do with it.

So many epicly important events are coming up in the next three to four weeks. I can't say I'm nervous, but I can say I am anxious but not doing anything about it. In these various cases, "anything" denotes "studying".
-Science Bowl scrimmage at LA DWP tomorrow
-Deca speech/ essay/ interview competition last Saturday of this month (I think) at Roybal Learning Center
-Deca objective test competition the following Saturday, same location as previous
-finals week (particularly concerned with bio)
-college interview on the 26th
-doctor's appointment on the 26th
-Winter Formal (I hope!)
-Deca awards ceremony after competitions
-Clippers v. Spurs game on Feb. 6th with ROCK (yay!)

I initially intended to do that in order, but things tend to work out randomly anyway.

It is currently 11:49 p.m. and I plan to wake up at 6:45 a.m. to arrive at DWP before 7:30 tomorrow. Wish me good luck (even if it's late)!

Until next time,
here's some food for thought:

Why is the word abbreviation so long?


K. Kim said…
Playing the piano is amazing. I played my piano last night too!

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