Too Late to Apologize

is the song I am currently listening to.
...And it's ending. Now to "I Wanted You."

I still have done only ONE out of the MANY assignments that I have. Go figure. Honestly, I've just been wasting all this time thrown my way. I've thrown away time thrown my way. Huh. But really, I'm horrible at utilizing and allocating my time. Just plain horrible. But I figure you've long since figured that out. My AIM away message currently says that "I've got a long, long checklist of stuff to do", and apparently, this is on that checklist. Not really. I never make checklists. I make...lists. I made one with all the assignments I have to do, and it's been taped to the computer desk right here. And, ahem, I see only two slashes of pink highlighter indicating my "done" tasks. How wonderful...
I have three days left. I always say that I don't want to do anything on the last day, but just you see, I will be cramming everything into that night.

See, this is probably why I don't really blog during breaks--because either there's nothing good to talk about, or it's only about how much homework I have but will not do until last minute. Gee, I think most students have realized by now that we get less homework during a regular school week than on break weeks. Or, well, hopefully they have.

I want to watch Smallville tonight! There goes an hour. Or is it half? I haven't watched it in a long time. The 100th episode of One Tree Hill was, as with every episode, wonderful. It wasn't any better, but it sure left the audience in more suspense than ever at the end! I mean, wait. The suspense was gone already. Never mind. Stupid nanny, I tell you. Okay, not stupid, because it was pretty smart of her to kidnap the four-and-a-half year-old whose family she was the nanny for and dye his hair so people couldn't identify him. Scratch stupid, replace with evil. She is the epitome of "evil nannies." Evil! I will never hire a nanny. Heck, I would completely despise having a nanny do everything and myself having nothing to do at home. I hate doing nothing. It makes me feel so...helplessly useless. Really. Oh, back to OTH. Um...well, I know it's just a show. But still. Have you people ever realized how closely fiction connects with reality? Okay, one last thing: I love Jaimie. He is so adorable!

This morning, while YouTubing instead of Chemistry-ing, I came across this new song by Jesse McCartney. Maybe it's not so new by now. But I enjoy the chorus very much. It's called "Leavin'". I deem Jesse McCartney the non-Asian Ryan Higa. And together, they are...McHiga! :)

Goshdarnit. Have you ever considered how one person's attitude so easily affects another's? Attitude spreads.
If I was in charge of a teen motivation / "bad-thing" prevention organization, that'd probably be my slogan. Or motto. Whatever.

Geez. It irritates me when people yell so close to me. Or other people, too, for that matter. And some people are not aware of how far and how loud their voices project... Sometimes it actually hurts people's ears, okay? I mean, really. Consider that.

I would like to make a trip to the library and borrow a book of interest. But I seriously can't. The load of homework is bothering and annoying calling out my name or something.
It is a very bad habit of mine--wasting time like this, I mean.


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