What do you mean?

That seems to be my question of the night. I've asked that over AIM three or four times already. So is it just me, or is it everyone else and their bad ways of asking questions and/or making statements? I'm thinking it's the latter...

I had so much I wanted to write about two nights ago, but I also had a lot of homework to do, so I wasn't able to blog here. And now I'm thinking that I have nothing to do (yet) because there's no class tomorrow. I think I'll go in chronological order, from today to whatever past days.

So today, I stayed after school, because... Well, I wanted to. This was the first Friday that I've stayed. I'd expected it to be fun, and it was, so that was nice. I mean, at first, it was rather boring because nothing was happening, but eventually the tennis game started, and things started picking up, I guess I can say. Now, today, I actually allocated my time with everybody...if that makes any sense at all to you. I won't elaborate. But the point is that it was very nice. And our tennis team won, so it was all good :)
I was in an extremely negative mood today until after the math quiz in third period. My morning started off with some nagging from somebody at home, then having to do Deca homework that I did not and still do not understand at all on the bus while I so badly wanted to sleep, having to finish up that work while in Deca while we were doing interviews, then worrying about math until...well, third period. In first period, I kept thinking about Monday's math quiz, on which I scored a seventy percent because I didn't go with my second instinct! Gosh! Whoever said that first instinct is always right is so cheap. Just because I got that one step wrong, I lost three points. I could have easily had my A! I am so mad right now just thinking about it. But what's worse (but not worst) is that it's not even mad that I'm feeling. It's like, anger at myself with a whole lot of disappointment poured over it. I still can't get over it.

Yesterday, I stayed after school with the foolish assumption that I had very less work to do. But I stayed for history tutoring, so that was a viable "excuse." Then I sat at the tennis courts and did nothing at all. Except play some tennis for a bit. But it wasn't as fun as the last time, because I didn't feel like running for the ball. (Yes, I'm that lazy.) So when I got home around 7:30 p.m., I realized how much work I had to do. All those biology packets assigned over Spring Break for Deca...and chemistry homework. Of course, I started with the chemistry. I put off studying for math and did those dumb packets instead. I used to think that biology was the most simple, most comprehensible branch of science for myself, but...uh, quite the contrary now. It's kind of complicated. Or maybe it was just that those packets' information was so vague, and those questions were so complex. My "super-allergies" started kicking in at around 11, and I got very sleepy. I ended up going to sleep at midnight and couldn't fall asleep until half an hour later, after having worried for a while about the math quiz.
On Wednesday, I also stayed after school for no reason in particular. Oh, wait. I was helping out with International Day workshop or whatever it's so lamely called. It was so boring. Nothing happened. Seriously, that was a waste of time, and it made me go to sleep at midnight, too! We barely got anything done, and what we did get done, we found out that we're not allowed to use it, afterall. So it's all good.
As I was on the bus coming home that day, I noticed an incredibly interesting place. We were driving along Normandie Avenue, and this one dainty house caught my eye. It was pinkish-white with a large pink and white sign in the front. The fancy lettering read "Weddings and Divorces" and it said "chapel" somewhere on there, as well. Anyway, I couldn't help but laugh inwardly to myself about that. Weddings and divorces in one place. Hahaha. That's pretty hilarious. About half a block or so after that, I saw a boy trying to skateboard outside of his apartment building. It was kind of unsuccessful, but he persisted. And I'm guessing the older person at the stairway watching him then going back upstairs was his older brother giving up on his foolish younger brother. Just kidding about the foolish part. So that was an interesting ride home. We actually passed by there again today, but I missed the contradicting chapel and did not see the skateboard-boy again. But, yeah.

I really would love to write a whole lot more here, but I am, again, being nagged by somebody to go to sleep. Even though it's only 10:20 right now. I took longer than usual to write this less (or it may seem like a lot to you) because I've been talking to people online, so...yes. Distractions.

Make Me Feel--Nathan :)


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