
I did it! I'm done! Well, admittedly, I didn't do that well. Heck, I practiced better in one of those small, private practice rooms than I played for the judge, who was extremely nice, by the way. Um, I think I'll skip the intricate details (although usually, that's what makes a story good). The point here is that I'm done, and I'm glad to have done and be done with it. In the very beginning, the judge said that it's a very "pleasant experience". I replied, "Well, I hope so." And he said, "It will be" quite confidently. So, those five songs. Up until that moment, I still hadn't memorized one of the songs, and my brilliant plan was to play my four good ones first, then play the bad, unmemorized one last, so that I feign that I "forgot" after having played four songs. But no... Nice as he was, he just had to go and ruin my plan! I played the third one (which was most likely the best), then he closed the book and went to the next one, when my next one was supposed to be in the same book. Then I told him, and he didn't understand me and asked, "But you're playing this one next, right?" while pointing at the next book with the supposed-to-be last song. I didn't want to confuse him or whatever, so I was just like, "Yeah..." I started out gaily and ended horrendously. I didn't even get to the middle of the song, and I simply said, "I'm sorry, I forgot." He must not have understood my context, so he said I could start from the second page again, and I did, then I stopped at the same point, and I said the same thing again. He was pretty forgiving, I suppose. Lastly, I played my supposed-to-be fourth song. Overall, I think I did just OKAY, but I'm perfectly okay with that, because you know, considering that I started really practicing only this week, I did quite well. Um...I think.
Anyway, I guess I contradicted myself once again by starting out with denying the "intricate" details, then going into it all later. I'm sure you enjoyed reading it though, right? (sarcasm)
During the ride home, my mother (Why don't I say mom, you ask? I don't know, I just feel like saying "mother" in lieu of the three-letter, one-syllable word. Okay, fine, I'm weird.) told me that she noticed that there were a lot more boys than girls taking the exam. It was funny, because while I was in the small, claustrophobic-hazardous practice room, I was thinking that there would be a lot more girls than boys at this level. Apparently, I was wrong. Fascinating.
Not fascinating that I was wrong, but fascinating that it was the opposite of what I'd expeted.

So, next topic.
The poli sci exam today was extremely facil (insert accent mark over the "a"). Okay, everything is, as always, open book, open notes. But yeah, considering that I never read a whole chapter, I think I've actually learned stuff! (From the quizzes and today's exam by looking through the book for the answers...)

I hate to say this, but I'm still sick. I was better Monday and Tuesday, but apparently, I've done something wrongly wrong to deserve to not get any better than that. Psh.

So it just occurred to me that I'm not very goal-oriented. I rarely set goals for myself, and when I do, I rarely meet them. Thanks to my "A.D.D."
I'm just kidding about the ADD, by the way.
Or, at least, I hope so!
Okay, I'm beginning to freak myself out.

I've noticed that people tend to say "start" rather than "begin", which is why I've been using the latter rather than the former. Although, I suppose I can understand one's desire to save a breath by reducing the number of syllalbes in what one says...If that made any sense to you at all.
Maybe I'm losing my articulation proficiency today...

I have a headache right now, by the way, so that would possibly explain my utter lack of eloquence at the moment. And my constant repetition.

I'm considering practicing piano...
Or doing my chemistry lab...
Or going to sleep!

Today, in class, our teacher was discussing with us about the origins of babies... As in, the PROCESS. I just HAD to wonder how he knew all that off the top of his head. I mean, he didn't even hesitate while going through the explanation! It was pretty funny-- a social science teacher teaching, um, biology. He called sperm dumb because they simply stick to any available ovary or something like that. And then he said, "It takes two people to make a baby" and then something about one of them leaving, with the other left behind, pregnant. Huh. That's not common. (That was a litote- making a statement by negating its opposite. I love language and literature.)

Oh, right. I didn't wake up with any strange thought this morning. But my first thought later on was probably something about piano. Or something about my headache.
I am completely aware that what I'm writing today is all disorganized, but... I've been having quite a bit of headaches these past few days, even with the Tylenol thing going. That ain't good.

In the past twenty seconds, I have decided against practicing piano. Not that there's anything to practice for anymore anyway.

Agh, my necklace is making my neck itch. I love this necklace, though. Since I've begun wearing it (almost) everyday, I've worn it to every important event (i.e. Deca competition, finals, and today), although I can't exactly say it's brought me good luck.
Speaking of luck, I realized yesterday that I don't believe in luck. Even though I do say it to people sometimes. I don't think that anything we do is based on luck at all. It's based on what we've done, and what we're doing, not to mention HOW. Call me cynical, dubious, whatever, but... Hmm, actually, I don't think I've ever believed in luck. Okay, there I go, cutting myself off again.
Haha, yesterday, I was thinking of something, and then my "conscience" was replying. Then it occurred to me that I was talking to myself! Not out loud, but still. I called that a "subconscious conversation with my conscience"... or something like that.

It's March already! After I posted yesterday, I realized that it was the last day of February and that I forgot to announce it. So I'm announcing that today is the first day of March! Yay... I feel like I never even went through February, yet I feel like it was so long ago. February 2nd, Deca competition day, feels ancient now. I sure miss it.

Have I ever mentioned my knack for remembering things on other people's agendas? Anything that others ask me to remind them of, I remember, about 90% of the time. However, here's where my perversity comes in. I don't ever remember stuff for myself, which is why I constantly have to set notes and reminders on my cell phone. Pathetic, I know. But back to my original point: I thought the other day that maybe (lots of "maybe"s today) I'm "destined" to be a freaking secretary. Not that there's anything wrong with being a secretary. Then I threw that thought out the window from the top floor (figuratively speaking here) a couple of hours later.
So. Need a reminder? Tell me, and I will remind you!
Geez, that sounded so...advertisement-like.

Speaking of advertisements, some commercials are just plain lame. Pathetically lame! Seemingly, companies aren't making enough money to hire the good advertisers/ commercial specialists, whatever their title is. Or maybe they're just too cheap. Gosh, I hate lame commercials. Such a waste of commercial time between programs. It's like too much... Hmm, let me think of an analogy here. Okay, it's like too much meat in your spaghetti. Originally, I had a burger thing in mind, but I don't think it proves my point as efficiently.

As I said "efficiently", I remembered that I was thinking about something as I was peeling a kiwi in the kitchen this morning... Something about insufficiency about something. Agh, it was something good, too! (That was three "something"s in a row. Okay, four. I think I'm overly paranoid, or possibly obsessive compulsive about grammar and all things related to it.)

I just scrolled up. Then glanced at my title. I hate the title. But I don't want to go back and change it, because then that'd change the true-to-how-I-felt-when-I-started thing.

I think I've bored you about enough as of now.
So, until next time, au revoir!


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