Spring Break

I was holding out for something better
But then I met you
And you stopped me from looking further
Because I thought I knew
That the best can't be beat
And the best was you...

I would have loved to continue that, but I was kind of having writer's block. Oh, and as for the Fruit series, I think I'm done with it. I wrote one last stanza a few days ago. And I think that'll pretty much be it. I'll post it when I don't feel so lazy to get up and walk the several feet to my room to acquire my notebook in which I have written the poem.

It seems I haven't written in a very long time. Actually, I'd tried to write twice before this, but then I never got to finish either of them. Then again, it's not like I have much to say anyway, seeing as how it's spring break and nothing the least bit interesting has happened or will happen in my mundane life. Oh, how could I forget? I do have something interesting! HOMEWORK! Yeah, and a ton of it, too. It's been piling up because...well, fine, I admit I haven't been doing much. It took me three days to finish making a brochure that could have taken me one day (with long hours). Now I still have so much more to do. Yet I'm sitting here, just writing about how much I have to do instead of actually doing it.
I hate that when I sleep for "too long", I get a headache and wake up and when I try to sleep again, the headache prolongs. Gosh. Needless to say, it happened this morning. I mean...an hour and a half ago.

I'm getting freakishly bored with this, due to complete, utter lack of anything out of the ordinary to speak of.
Hmm, yeah, okay, this was a waste of ten minutes.


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