Ah, Bliss

I'm here at school (not school, school, but college school), in the library after class. And I am famished. Since I'm not going to be going home for another hour or so, I decided to log on and blog. Yay... I love this. Even though the keyboard is somewhat dysfunctional. Okay, it's not dysfunctional, but it isn't very...smooth like the ones next to this station are.
Hmm, so today. I woke up half an hour after the time that I set my alarm for.
I can't help but notice that lots of people use Myspace on these computers... But I can't say that I'm surprised. Shallow people these days. Can't they see that there is a lot more to life than Myspace and online crap stuff? Blogging isn't a part of that, okay? Well, at least not my blogging. Unlike some people, I actually talk about meaningful stuff.
I don't know if you've gotten the feeling already, but I don't really have anything worthy to say at the moment.
But I can't emphasize enough how much I love being in this library and using these computers. It's freakishly quiet aside from the typing noises. If you're in the table areas, you can't hear ANYTHING. When I first came here, I got a headache because of its creepy silence. The following times, I came to enjoy it, then I discovered that I study best in such a quiet environment.
Agh, this post is getting annoyingly bland. Like a paper bowl of bland white rice.

I'm sure that I've already stressed on how much I love Deca, but I simply have to do it again today. A lot of the stuff that I've learned over this past year actually does correlate with other subjects! Of course, considering that we learn ten subjects, that ought to be a given.

The CAHSEE is next Tuesday and Wednesday. Oh, joy. Four hours of bubbling in answers to common sense questions. That has become one of my all time favorite activities over the years.
Um, not really.

Then on Thursday, there's a history AND chemistry exam! My fellow classmates and I have come to notice that chem and history always occur on the same days. What is with that?! It's a conspiracy, I tell you.

Out of all this boring stuff, I would compose a poem, but I'm not feeling very poetic nor articulate today. So...I shall save you the burden of reading nonsense verses of words.
Oh, wait. You've been reading nonsense setences of words up til now anyway.

Agh, I want to go home. And eat. Then sleep.


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