
I feel so down in the sewers today. It must be that I had too good of a day yesterday, and today, it plummeted following the skyrocket. (sigh)
My left eye was bothering me from fifth through sixth periods, and even volleyball couldn't help me get over my state of...down-ness. On the bus, though, I did sleep, which is extremely rare, because I haven't been able to sleep on the bus (in the morning or afternoon) for a long time. Probably since last year. Hmm. Last year... good times. Kind of.

I really don't feel like doing anything right now. In fact, I don't even feel like doing this. But I figured, since I'm probably not going to do anything useful anyway, why not alleviate my own burdens and amuse you at the same time? See? Two birds with one stone. Whoever came up with that phrase is a bit violent, don't you think?

There's a math test tomorrow. And I found out about it TODAY. Well, okay, fine. It's not like I would have studied in advance anyway. But still. I don't like being told that I have a (major) test the day before the actual test. And I have quite a bit of chemistry homework... In addition to history notes. Oh well to the last one.

I SERIOUSLY DON'T FEEL LIKE DOING ANYTHING. Except maybe sleeping. Okay, that was a complete understatement. Definitely sleeping.

I am being very cranky right now. Even though there is no one at home for me to be cranky to, and the person I usually whine to about being so cranky, I am currently not at good terms with. And you know what? I DON'T CARE. I want to have a breakdown right now.
What kind of a breakdown...?
Hmm. Emotional breakdown? Writing everything down, breakdown? Tear down the walls breakdown? Nah. At least, to the last one.

My eye is making me want to cry. Really. Oh, guess what? Tears come out of eyes...
Okay, that was strange.

So that give a hug, or hug question. I still don't have my final answer yet, but it seems like it's been half and half. Or...most of the guys that I have asked chose the "give a hug", and most of the ones my friend has asked chose the other. There was one person, though, who said that he'd rather choose the hug because it means the other person cares more.
I'll admit that I ask these questions at random, but I "prethink" them. And if I myself can't come up with a legitimate, meaningful answer, then I choose to ask people. Especially guys. I like to hear their opinions on things such as this. Although most are pretty clueless... But hey, I gotta sympathize with them and their smaller, inefficient brains. Just kidding. I think that lots of males think that females are complicated, that we make a big deal out of everything. And that they themselves are simple, simple as that. Here's my take on this: Everyone is complicated. Including guys. So, right after I said that last line, my conscience kicked in and contradicted me. Okay, so females are more complicated than males. But that doesn't necessarily simplify males. And I am telling you this from a female's point of view. (Well, wasn't that obvious.)
I really need to stop talking to and contradicting myself like this. (Conscience, go rest.)
...Maybe I should give my conscience a name.
Never mind. That is just plain weird.

Gone away are the golden days
They're just a page in my diary
So here I am, a utopian citizen
I'm still convinced there's no such thing as idealism...

Still semi-obsessed with that song.
Still semi-obsessed with fruits.
Actually, not really.

I would display the complete Fruit series here, but I think it'd be better if I did it on a separate post. So, yeah, after I click "Publish Post" on this one, I'll "publish" the series.

Petty little things. I hate pettiness. But who am I to say? I complain plenty about petty things on a slightly regular basis.

Okay, well, salutations and farewells.
I would say, "Enjoy the series," but then you'll probably already have read it by the time you get to this, since the most recent posts go first...


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