Go On and Go

Over the course of Spring Break, I have discovered some things on YouTube that, apparently, are worthy of my time. Or else I wouldn't have spent almost the entire week parking (and double parking) my butt here at the computer seat, mindlessly watching (or just looking at) a computer monitor. Suffice to say, I left the majority of my homework assignments to do on the last day. Saturday, I worked for about five hours and then went to my friend's birthday party/barbecue. At which I should not have stayed so long. But anyway, on yesterday, I got up at the ungodly hour of 6:15 a.m. just to do homework. Yet, by midnight, I was still not done! And I hadn't studied for the math quiz, either! Which was, obviously, not good, seeing as how I didn't know what in the evil world I was doing on the homework several hours earlier. So I went to sleep at 12:30 last night and woke up at 5:48, five minutes later than usual. I'd thought that I was running late, but...Well, I'm always late to the bus anyway, so never mind.
Here's something that I put into my AIM buddy profile yesterday and will take down today (since break is over):
-How was your spring break, Wendy?
-What did you do over spring break?
-Nothing at all.
-So you must have had some good relaxation time?
-Ha! No.
-How's the homework going?
-Are you done with most of the assignments?
-Ha! No.
-But there's so much left!
-Well, no duh.
-How are you going to manage, Wendy?!
-Don't worry about it. I will overcome this obstacle.
That was one of those times when I was "talking to myself" again. But in a different way, because it was to tell people that I was busy with homework...

Hmm, so I was thinking that I had so much to write about, but now that I've paused for so long to talk to people online... Well, my ideas have sort of drifted away.
The past several days, I have been sneezing so abnormally much. Every time I sneeze, it's three, four, or five in a row. Maybe it's allergies, but I've never had them before! Which may be why I have them now. Gosh, self-fulfilled prophecy (or whatever the actual phrase is), I tell you. It's very bothersome (I realize I have never used this word here.) , always having to stop in the middle of whatever it is I'm doing and sneeze loudly, only to sneeze some more and feel odd for a while before I can comfortably resume to my "work." And the constant need for tissues. Grr. I want Benadryll.
So it's officially been spring for three days now, and the weather has been insanely...insane. It's so out of the norm! First, it's extremely windy and chilly, and all of a sudden, it's scorching just plain hot. I am certain that I've mentioned this before, but I just have to say it again: The weather is bipolar. Possibly triploar, even.

I still have no idea what to do my Deca speech on. I want to make it something interesting for an audience of all ages. But I want it to be something fun for myself to write also. Originally I was thinking ironies of life, but I then realized that I couldn't simply list the ironies of life. It's four minutes! That'd be utterly boring. And pathetic. Maybe I could do the "truths" of life... Possibly based on Higa's (HIGA!<333)
I cannot wait until Lock and Key comes out. Was it April 8th? Ah! I can't wait! I want to read a book right now. Actually, no, I just want to take a really long shower and then go to sleep. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that I am sick. But I kind of doubt that. And I hope not. But my eye feels so... In a sick condition. Blech.
I could so easily fake a cry right now. It did happen in fourth period today. Once I got to my seat, I sneezed four or five times in a row and then my eye started Bleeding Love. Just kidding; I was referring to the song. But tears started coming out of my left eye! If it had been from both eyes, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but it was only my left eye! So I was kind of worried, so I asked my teacher if I could go to the restroom. By the time she finally got to answering me, I was fine. But I went anyway. Not really like I ever do much in Spanish class anyway.
Yay, I don't have school this Saturday. I don't get why they can't make all school breaks take place at the same time.

I feel like I should write a new poem or something. But I don't feel like doing it. Estoy muy cansada.

If you had the choice between a Q-tip and a cotton swab, which would you pick? Jello and gelatin? Kleenex and tissue?
Are you wondering, "What's the difference?" Well, all the latter ones are...well, the name of the product. And the former ones are brands. Now I myself wonder if anyone really ever takes this into consideration. Or am I really that "thoughtful" to see into such "minute" details?

Geez, I really need to bring a notepad around with me or something. To take note of my "brilliant" ideas so you can have something interesting to read every once in a while.

One thing that bothers me is bad acting. It's extremely annoying. Especially if people say it's a good movie. And when I watch it, it's infested with bad acting and is in need of disinfectant. Okay, that was somewhat harsh, but honestly, bad acting (in movies) bothers me.

I need to refresh my mind and be lazy elsewhere. Oh, I know! I'll take a shower. And think of thinking about stuff and then possibly think about it. If that made any sense at all.


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