The Things You Do Light Up the Sky

That's a few days old, but I haven't forgotten!
Subliminal messages.

The image to the right is a little something I did while sitting in history class, "listening" to lecture. I take such wonderful notes, wouldn't you agree?
It's probably a little difficult to read, but in case you can't tell from the bright colors (highlighters!), it's a "fruit business" thing. Which reminds me, I haven't even attempted or thought about the Fruit series for a week or two... But if...I mean, when, I do come up with more, I will most definitely post them. And one day, hopefully soon, I will make a compilation of all my Fruit stuff and use the now above illustration as my "cover" image. Hmm, that'd be cool. I'd call it...Fruit Business. Or something along that line. Wow, just thinking this has made me a bit excited.

Seeing as how I haven't updated, almost a week, I have so much to talk about, yet nothing really seems that important anymore, since it's all been and gone. Gone and done.
Tuesday and Wednesday were the CAHSEE, both days of which were excruciatingly boring. On Tuesday during the language arts portion, I started half-falling asleep after about the fifteenth question. And that first part was only 21 questions... The second part was almost 90, if I remember correctly. Seriously, I had to read almost every question twice, because I would fall asleep for about thirty seconds about halfway through the question the first time. Math the next day was insultingly simple. It was a lot easier than the released test questions I went through the day before. A lot of people finished way before the end of the four-hour period. I had two and a half hours left... And I actually studied during that time. Which was good. But I'm not sure if it was actually beneficial or not, because I doubt I did so well on my chem test today. The multiple choice was freaking hard! I usually do well on that, too! Grr. And on Monday, we got back our chapter tests from Friday for math. I got a D- on it. Geez, and I'd thought I'd done okay. So that horrible D dropped me from a 97 to an 86%, which, horrendously, made me really want to cry for the rest of the day whenever someone asked me about it. Then I went from that to frustration. (Okay, fine, I was pissed off. But that doesn't sound as formal/appropriate as "frustration.") But after sixth period, my friend told me something about someone about someone, the latter someone of whom, is me, which kind of relieved some of my frustration. And...yes. Gosh. Tuesday, I stayed after school for seemingly absolutely no reason, but then it just so happened that...well, a reason turned up afterall, is all I have to say at this point.
So that basically sums up what you've "missed out" on, if I don't already talk to you on a regular basis and fill you in on all the miniscule details of my life in an annoyingly rambling conversation.

Hmm, that seemed like ancient history. Well, it already has been history for...however many days since the day each event occurred. Today was, well, the chemistry exam, which, as I've already mentioned, didn't go too well, even though I truly did study! I truly, honestly did! But I guess by now, I should always expect that things seldom go as expected, not to mention desired. Math homework, I've realized, is becoming complicated. That's not too good. See, if I hardly understand how to complete homework, then how would/could I possibly do well on quizzes/tests?! (I hate math tests. Give me twenty questions and call it a quiz, and I'll be likely to do better than if it was called a test.) During fourth period, I received a summons from my counselor to IGAP? I forget the acronym, but it's the Individualized Graduation Plan. I don't exactly understand where or why the A comes in, but yeah. I had quite a pleasant talk with her, which was pleasant. And it was an excellent waste of time, too! Not very many things are excellent wastes of time anymore, you know. So I appreciated that. And now that I mention the word "appreciate", I realize that I haven't "appreciated" anything or anyone in a while! Or that I haven't shown it. Hmm. You know, we are always so busy about worrying about what we want that we don't notice the things that we have that are already worth appreciating. I keep using the word "already" tonight. Um, anyway, back to the topic of origin. I was kind of reluctant to leave the counselors' office, for once, because I wanted to ask my counselor quite a number of questions I'd thought of months ago but never went to her to ask and thus have long since forgotten...and because I didn't really want to return to fourth period. Because really, how fun can playing your classmates' groups' gameboards in Spanish class be? I'l tell you. Not very.

Oh, I finished a book yesterday. And that book isn't the least bit school-related. Heck yes. I mean, no. Whatever. It's called Exit Here by...Oh, who cares who the author is. I wouldn't say it's a very good story, but once you get started with it, you get sort of drawn in, because all the stuff seems so intriguing. In some respects. Ah! I can't wait until Lock and Key comes out! One month! Yay! ...That was four exclamation marks in a row. You know, before this (school) year, I rarely ever used exclamation marks. And now I use them like there's no tomorrow. Okay, that was an overstatement. I just use them a lot more now than before.

Really, I would love to write more about a lot of things that have been weighing my mind down. But those would be things unsuitable to "publically" speak of here.
I do have a personal life and personal matters, you know.

Have a nice day/night!


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