More Fruits

I've been having quite a fruity couple of days...

Here's a revision of pineapples, watermelons, and bananas (Notice the lack of proper capitalization for a title. This is because I haven't decided on the title yet.) :

Call us kooks
But my friend and I are in love with fruits
Pineapples, watermelons, and bananas are our favorites
We like how they look and how they taste
But things are a'changing around here

Pineapples and watermelons
I realize I can live without
As for bananas,
They're not for me to talk about
Pineapples are ostensibly bland
They need sugar and spice
Watermelons go hand in hand
With a paper bowl of tasty white rice
As for bananas,
They're not for me to talk about
Pineapples I used to like
Watermelons used to easily entice
Now neither can hardly suffice
As for bananas
They're not for me to talk about.

Oh, ponder thy thoughts
Beware, for this thought will make thy heart drop
Now letting go of bananas because they cause her stress
She's beginning to like them less and less
She saw through the bright yellow skin
And the demeaning abundance of potassium
As for pineapples and watermelons
I've already spoken of them.

Pineapples, watermelons, and bananas
They are the fruits of our lives
But soon they will be out of season, out of mind
When new fruits come along
I will have to write another verse, another song.

I don't like to use this expression here, but... LOL!
That was a (or the) well thought-out version, by the way. And yes, there is another one coming! Watch for it!
I'm considering doing a fruit series... That'd be extremely interesting.

I got home about an hour ago, ate a banana (oh, no! No pun intended there...) and a pear, went out to the buzon (accent over the o, please) to echar unas cartas, came back, had some soup, and did this. So one with common sense can conclude that I have not yet begun any of my homework. Yet. Well, luckily, I don't have much today.
Yikes, today's math quiz was gay! I haven't used that word to describe anything in a long time. But it's only because I am in lack of a better word to describe that. Because it's not like it was hard. But it obviously wasn't easy, either, seeing as how even the "smartest kids" stayed after the bell rang. Agh. Okay, fine. I'll admit I didn't study for it (just like every other quiz or test). But still! It was confusing. Perplexing? Maybe, not quite. We'll see how it went when the results come back (which...I'm not quite looking forward to).
We now know our topic for Deca for this upcoming season: LATIN AMERICA! What's so amazing about that is that our coach had guessed it'd be on Latin America and had been hoping that this year's Super Quiz would be on some type of biology based on that geographical area. And guess freaking what. IT IS! Well, I honestly could care less about the topic... but because she's a BIOLOGY major and an AP Biology teacher...we have just a slight advantage this upcoming year. Okay, that was a total understatement. We have a HUGE advantage. The thing is, we have to REALIZE it and take advantage of that advantage. Anyway, as she animatedly announced and showed it to us, the fifteen or sixteen of us present just sat there, staring at her. Despite her own excitement, she saw through our... um, reaction. And could tell that we were obviously not so excited. But I'm happy that she was so happy. Yay! I can't wait til Super Quiz next year, I kept saying and thinking for like, the whole five minutes or so on the way to first period. Hmm... Latin America. 'Tis shall be divertido :)

Last night and today, I have been outrageously obsessed with the song "Wish You Were Here" by Kate Voegele. I LOVE that song.
Watch, by tomorrow or the day after (hopefully the latter), I'm going to declare how sick I am of it. So sick of love songs, so tired of tears, so done with wishing you were still here... Comma splice!

Hmm...let's see. What shall I rant about now?
So. In la clase de espanol (insert squiggly thing over the n), I have 101.8%. I don't like it. Somebody has (finally) beat me! With 102.2%. That is completely outrageous! I know you're probably thinking that I'm crazy not to be satisfied with over a 100%. But still! I've had the top percentage in Spanish for like, ever! Then again, there have been times when I've wondered when anyone would ever dethrone me... And it's happened! Psh. The semester is still young. And so am I! Haha, I actually laughed out loud (lol) at that young escapade. One word: PFT. Or... um, PSH.

I will willingly admit that when my mother is not home, I just don't do anything. Or rather, if you want to make it sound like I actually function, then revise that to "I do nothing." Oh, wait. That sounds worse. Disregard that. Oh, wait, you can't. It's in writing. And writing is the most permanent form of..."forever". Which isn't as permanent as one would expect or hope for.
"A book is the only immortality." I had to do an impromptu on that one once. I SUCKED. I didn't know what to say, but then I got a few pointers, such as mentioning the BIBLE, which has been around An incredibly long time.

Another topic about which to be excited (for myself, anyway): My favorite author has a new book coming out soon! (Finally!) It's called Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. (Yes, guys, it's a girl book. The cover is PINK! Not that there's anything wrong with a member of the male species donning pink. Of course I did not mean to imply such a thing! And of course I am not being sarcastic! But I am laughing silently to myself as I'm typing this extremely long note.) I absolutely cannot wait. In fact, I might actually buy the book this time! Hmm, maybe I'll preorder online... Now there's a thought!

I'm racking my brain, going insane, again and again, I can't keep going this way...
I was only racking my brain (for something else to write about). I didn't go insane. Yet. For today.
Quiero ir a la biblioteca y sacar unos libros...

What in the world am I doing here instead of my precious homework?
Oh, right. I'm writing and talking to both you and myself at the same time. Although, not really, since at this very moment, I'm just talking to myself, because you're not reading it because I haven't posted it. Ha! Okay, that was odd.

Here's a "mean scene":
Boy proposes to girl. Girl is entranced by the ring. Keeps staring at it. Grabs the ring and says, "Well, I don't know about marrying you (yet), but I'll take the ring!"
Okay, some of you must think that I've been horribly traumatized as a child, to be coming up with all this mean stuff so often. But that, I declare, is a completely falsifiable fallacy (Have I ever mentioned how much I love alliteration? And all things alike? Yay for lang and lit!).

I feel incredibly good every time after I know that I've done a particularly long entry. Speaking of "entries", I still haven't paid that visit to my journal yet. I forgot its whereabouts until my sister came across it yesterday and asked what it was doing wherever she found it. Oops. But! The other night, I stayed up until 1 a.m. transferring my "fresh" poems (both old and new) into my poetry journal (Yes, I have different journals and notebooks for different things.).

So, I've come to realize, and my friend so helpfully pointedly pointed out today, that giving a hug to and hugging someone are two different things. What do you think?


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