
Guess who that is.
I mean, was.
Anyway, this is, again, my second blog for the day, because I just had to say some stuff. Even though I'm not yet done with homework. I was planning on starting history notes...but oh well. I just need to make a dumb puppet for English...and memorize my lines as Brutus. So I called my cousin and asked her if I could borrow a children's toy for our new Spanish unit, Cuando eramos (accent over the "e") ninos (squiggly line over the latter "n")--when we were children. When I got there, she (in fifth grade) threw her second younger sister's Piglet toy at me. (Insert "lol.") Then I came home and thought, oh, heck, why not. I might as well get the baby photo now, too. Even though it's not due til Wednesday.
So I obviously just gave away the answer to my initial question.
I mean, was.
Anyway, this is, again, my second blog for the day, because I just had to say some stuff. Even though I'm not yet done with homework. I was planning on starting history notes...but oh well. I just need to make a dumb puppet for English...and memorize my lines as Brutus. So I called my cousin and asked her if I could borrow a children's toy for our new Spanish unit, Cuando eramos (accent over the "e") ninos (squiggly line over the latter "n")--when we were children. When I got there, she (in fifth grade) threw her second younger sister's Piglet toy at me. (Insert "lol.") Then I came home and thought, oh, heck, why not. I might as well get the baby photo now, too. Even though it's not due til Wednesday.
So I obviously just gave away the answer to my initial question.
I spent a few minutes looking through the photo album I was holding and then some more time sorting through yet another envelopful among many others of photos from over a decade ago. I don't mean to brag or anything...but I was such a wonderful baby back then! Yayy, me! Haha. Okay, that moment of self-pride is now over. Um...I also came across a picture that really... Well, anyway, in that photo, my sister and I were both to either side of our dad, and my first thought as I saw that was, "Wow, now that was when I was literally half of my dad's size!" As opposed to now... ahem.
According to my mom, this photo was from before I learned to walk. (Well, wasn't that a dead giveaway?) I was not a year old yet, let's just put it that way. I also came across a lot of photos in which my older cousins seem to be strangling me and I am having a hard time concentrating on looking at the camera... I'm sure some of you know who I must be talking about.
So this is probably the shortest post I've done this month, or these few weeks. That's because my "deadline", established by my over-concerned-about-getting-enough-sleep mother, is in less than an hour. It's in fifty minutes now, to be exact. So I will now begin my puppet, then finally shower. Oh, dagnabbit. Then I have to blow dry my hair... Blech.
These photos made my evening :)
According to my mom, this photo was from before I learned to walk. (Well, wasn't that a dead giveaway?) I was not a year old yet, let's just put it that way. I also came across a lot of photos in which my older cousins seem to be strangling me and I am having a hard time concentrating on looking at the camera... I'm sure some of you know who I must be talking about.
So this is probably the shortest post I've done this month, or these few weeks. That's because my "deadline", established by my over-concerned-about-getting-enough-sleep mother, is in less than an hour. It's in fifty minutes now, to be exact. So I will now begin my puppet, then finally shower. Oh, dagnabbit. Then I have to blow dry my hair... Blech.
These photos made my evening :)