Have You Ever

Approximately thirteen and a half hours later, I am here again, blogging.
I couldn't get myself to sleep past ten. It must be some automatic thing or something. I woke up against my own will at 9:49, thinking it was past eleven. When I saw the actual time, I tried to go back to the blissful state of sleep. But no... I just couldn't do so. So I just lied there, thinking about... Okay, fine, I wasn't really thinking. I was still attempting to fall back asleep. Which, obviously, did not work, or else I would be sleeping right now. Anyway, I've been so used to sleeping at midnight or past that last night at 10:40-something, I didn't feel like sleeping yet, so I called someone and talked on the phone until...11-something.
My sleeping patterns are interesting, are they not?

This weekend, I have math homework, history homework, and...oh, right, English. We're "performing" The Tragedy of Julius Caesar next week, and my group and I have Act III. Monday's our "dress rehearsal," so I have to memorize my lines as Brutus this weekend. And make stupid puppets. Grr. Oh, and do the Caesar review packet, which, presumably, will take me one heck of a long time, considering I never really paid attention while we were reading through the play as a group... and that I don't quite comprehend the language. Sparknotes, here I come!

And that's the reason why...
You make me feel
Like a kid in a candystore
You make me feel
Like I've never been here before
Everyday's my birthday
You're making me feel this way...

Hmm, I haven't done any new compositions lately. I tried for a while yesterday, but nothing came to mind.

Yesterday in history class, while we were doing "lecture presentations", in which the class was divided into four groups of about ten or eleven people and each group has two to four representatives to present their part of the lecture, one group in particular amused me. They came up with two new words: "Europeanized" and "prideful". I couldn't help but laugh inwardly again. Which reminds me that I haven't come up with "new words" in quite a long time. I'm guessing the last one was "contaminize", and that was from last year! But anyway, I like that word.

I'm not sure if I've ever addressed this before, but I really enjoy talking to "new people." I love meeting new people! I never knew that about myself until last year. Which just goes to show that I'm still learning new things about myself on a regular basis. Which just goes to show that I'm always changing. Well, okay, not always. But people change over time. Even if it's not biological evolution (which is what I'm learning in Deca), it's "personal" evolution. In a way or two. I don't know if I'm making sense here, but I dislike making a plain statement and not elaborating on it. Unless the point is to straightforwardly make the statement and not elaborate so as to avoid confusion. Okay, I'll stop.

So I remember from a week or two ago when my mom said that sometimes it's okay to lie to protect somebody from harm or hurt. That made me think for a while, because she'd never said anything like that to me. And I wondered, when is it considered okay to lie? When is it necessary to tell the truth? Most of all, how do you know if that "lie" is actually protecting somebody else or not? Last night, as I was beginning to blog, I flipped through the channels (on television) and saw Grey's Anatomy. I stayed on that channel for a bit and heard an intriguing line: Sometimes we tell the truth because it's the only thing we can give. I loved that.

On a different note, I can't help but notice that people always break promises. I once came up with the thought that promises are meant to be broken. And I guess that in a lot of cases, they are. I mean, one of the most legitimate reasons that I've come up with is that things change. Lately, I've also been saying that plans change. I mean, you can plan all you want for the future, but a lot of times, things happen so unexpectedly that your plans are just...ruined, to say the least and to put it bluntly. Or sometimes, you realize that your plan was "too big" to follow, and you back out of it. Afterward, you get to thinking about it and might regret not having taken the chance to pursue that plan. So you may or may not come up with yet another plan. Then the cycle continues.

See, without distraction from AIM or talking on the phone (which I've been doing a lot less of lately due to the humongous amount of homework I have), I can be typing so much more in a given timeframe. Not that I'm done yet.

I still don't know what to do with my speech. Or lack thereof. All the topics I've come up with are either not enough to fit into four minutes, or they don't connect very smoothly together within one speech only. I did think about doing a speech about being a teenager. But I'm not too sure if that would do well in competition, taking into consideration that the majority of judges are, well, old. I was also thinking of doing "what makes life interesting" kind of thing, so I can include the ironies of life (my original topic). Eh, my brain hasn't been functioning very sharply lately. I seriously need more sleep. (Ha!)

One day this week, possibly Tuesday, one of my closest friends asked me if I could ever like a person for ten years, before marriage. At first, I'd thought that she'd asked me because I constantly tell her that I don't think I'll ever marry, or even if I do, I'm going to end up with a lot of divorces and alimony stuff. But she told me she just came up with the question and wanted to ask me. So I thought about it for about half a minute and said yes. Then I realized that was a fabrication. So I laughed and said, "Actually, probably not." Then again, that's me saying this now, at the tender age of sixteen, when I, hopefully, have so many more years ahead of me. And who knows? Things change.
That seems to be my theme for today, does it not?

Before I got up from bed a few hours ago, it occurred to me that March is coming to an end, and April is only a few days away. And, not for the first time, that came with the realization that time passes by so quickly when you least want it to. Although it's not like I frequently want time to pass by at any rate. I guess I just let it pass by me. Which, in some situations, is a bad thing. Like homework. I let the time pass until it's late at night, then I begin. But really, we're almost halfway done with 2008. Okay, one-third. Close enough. My point is that time passes by so unbelievably quickly. And things change along with that.
I think I first began to think how quickly time passes by in fifth grade. I was having a lot of fun (as much fun as a student can have during her last year of elementary school, anyway), and before I knew it, the school year was over. The years following that have been passing by in quite a similar manner.

I suppose this is all the stuff I've been holding onto and haven't said out loud lately. Rest assured, there is a whole lot more. I simply do not remember every thought that meets and passes my mind.

Lock and Key is coming out very soon! :)


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