April's Eve

Today is the last day of March. In some other faraway places in the world, "today" is already April 1st. Time sure flies.

Frankly, I have nothing good to talk about today. I just thought I'd blog because it's the last day of the month.
Hmm, so today in first period English, during our dress rehearsal, my goupmates were practically staring daggers at me because I'm basically the only person in the group who hasn't memorized her (LARGE and LONG!) lines. And...well, clearly, that's not good. Performances begin tomorrow. Go figure. As for my "dumb puppet", they hated it. I mean, I know it sucked, but they didn't have to express such blatant distaste toward it! Gosh. Appreciate some, you know? But I don't mind. Much. I have to memorize a whole bunch of lines tonight.
And do history notes (which I did plan to start over the weekend and... [fanfare] did not.), which are due on Wednesday. Apparently, we're starting on World War I! Yay... I must subconsciously be against history or something, because I never seem to remember anything from previous years. Okay, that was an overstatement, but all "memories" are incredibly vague, to the point that one would think that I've never even taken a history class before. Hmm, so that was an overstatement, as well...
Next topic!
We got our math quizzes from Friday back today. I had had a pretty good feeling about it at the time. Only to find out today that I got 8 out of 10. Gosh! Geez, I hate that. Seriously, all that limit stuff is... Grr. Apparently, though, I'm back up to an 89.8%. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed (but my hopes still crushed). I don't know if that grade includes the extra credit from over spring break. I hope not. But most likely, it does. Let's see... Oh, in Spanish, I somehow went from a 102.7% last week to 101.7% this week. What a rip-off! Even if I had gotten ONE wrong on that one quiz, my grade should not have dropped that much. Pftt.

I was considering staying after school today. But then I was too tired, and I knew that I wouldn't have been able to get anything done efficiently, what with all the distractions I constantly seem to put myself around. Notice that I didn't say "all the distractions around me". Although...all I have done up to this point is math homework... And I skipped one problem. Math down, English and history to go. And...chemistry. Which isn't due until Wednesday. But whatever. We'll see. I mean, I'll see. Because it's not as if you're going to be doing any of my homework for me. Not that I would want anybody to.

Hmm. I wish to watch Jeopardy! later. I love that show. The other day, they had a topic on Abraham Lincoln. It was in the first round, I think. I knew about half (if not more) of the answers to the questions. Or, rather, questions to the answers. Thanks to Deca :)
Speaking of Deca, I seriously do not comprehend evolutionary biology. Hopefully, with some time, I will come to understand it. Because it's the Super Quiz! Agh...

I'm going to die tomorrow or the day after. My character, Brutus, I mean. Hahaha, I'm pretty sure he's died plenty of deaths, then, considering how many time the play must have been acted out by now.

And now I'm just plain wasting your time and mine. Or maybe you don't have anything better to do. Well, I commend you for choosing to do this. But I must go and resume homework.
Until next time, farewell!


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