Sometimes I Wish write letters to people. And tell them what I think of them for the day. Or tell them how they've affected me or made my day good or bad, how they've made my life different, in however which way. Sometimes I wish I could simply tell everybody how I feel about them or whatever, say everything that I want to say to them. In words. And not have any of it read by anybody. I've seriously considered starting a new journal just for that sake. Starting out every entry with "Dear (insert name here)..." Then pour my heart out with a black pen and a composition book. (I'm very specific when it comes to these things.)
Anyway, if only I had the time and patience for all that. It's due to my lack or shortage of patience that I go for poetry instead of short stories, blogging in lieu of journaling (Wendynary just made "journal" a verb.)

To thoroughly comprehend old English is not a simple task. It takes time and, as my history teacher always emphasizes, analyzation. I guffaw at that word each time he says it, by the way. I was working on the Caesar review packet, and still will be doing so after this. Thankfully, I was "clever" enough to have found a much quicker way of doing the first few pages involving vocabulary. Yay, me. And now I have lots of short response and matching questions left... Oh, joy. I barely/rarely paid attention while we read this in class, as I've so mentioned a few days ago.
I finished math homework a few hours ago. And now I have English and history notes left. Grr, I have no idea how long English is going to take, but I know I'm not going to enjoy puppet-making later on. I would have been much better off cutting out costumes or something.
...or not.
I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Of course, it wasn't automatic, like when your body wakes you up because it knows it's time for you to wake up. I set an alarm. I mean, who would wake up so darn early on a Sunday morning? Okay, obviously, a lot of people do. But...anyway. I'm hoping that I can sleep at 10 or earlier tonight. It's ironic that I go to sleep earlier on weekends than on weekdays...

We did end up making dumplings for dinner yesterday. At first, it was very boring, but after my first three dumplings, I did it like whatever. We cooked and ate them for dinner, then proceeded to make more because we had so much more stuffing left. I had last night's leftovers for breakfast, and then the second round of dumplings for lunch just half an hour ago. I don't think one should be consuming so much of this kind of carbohydrate in one day. Not that we have much more left. Quite frankly, I don't really like it, but I eat it anyway. Because whatever, you know? I'm not a picky person in situations like this.
Not that this is much of a "situation."

Remember that "new song" I mentioned yesterday? I'm listening to it again right now. It's only repeat track, so it'll keep playing until I get tired of it and switch to another playlist or something. I really want to read a sad book right now... Or a romantic comedy. I love those. Where is the book I placed a hold on so many weeks ago?! Gosh... I need to take a trip to the library. Speaking of the library, I am a very loyal patron to the Chinatown Branch Library. I pay them on a regular basis!
As books are always overdue. DVDs, too... I'm not a very timely person.

Now, I know that this post is completely lacking the thoughtfulness and meaning that's present in yesterday's, but hey, what do you expect? I'm pretty much drained of meaningful thought at the moment. Okay, that was a slight lie. I do have a bit on my mind (aside from homework), but I wish not to speak of it at this particular time.

I'm certain you all know (of) the saying ignorance is bliss. I suppose it's true. But the bliss of ignorance is so evanescent! Oh, my... I'm losing my train of thought. And now I'm beginning to wonder if I even had one to begin with when I started typing this. Well, to be just plain straightforward, people need to face and fix their problems. Or at least make an attempt. First comes ignorance, then comes a challenge, then complaints, unhappiness, blahblah. Like I said last time, attitude spreads. It pervades.
It must be clear by now that I for sure am lacking eloquence today. It must be due to the homework. All that old English must have blunted my...English... Huh. What a way to put it.

I've been making a few changes to my blog here and there. I try to make them inconspicuous, but noticeable at the same time. So...see if you see anything different. It shouldn't be that difficult to spot, considering that there's more than one new element. And where one is, all the others are.
Haha, that last line reminds me so much of CONFORMITY.

Something made me think back to yesterday. And at this very instant, it seems to have been so long ago. Then I subsequently (redundant transition there, but oh well) thought of Spring Break (I'm not sure if it even deserves to be capitalized, since it's not such a happy thing for most high school students anymore.) and the poli sci thing I did... It all seems SO LONG AGO. Hmm, that would be a good title for a short story or a book. If I ever had the patience to write either.

It's now 2:20 in the afternoon, or, according to military officers, 14:20. I have about seven hours total before I will be rushed to (get ready to) sleep. So I will dutifully return to my Homework Dearest.

Have a nice day/evening/night.


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