The Young and the Restless

Here I am again, the second time today. It's been less than three hours since I last posted, after having repeatedly proclaimed how absolutely bored I was.
Still am, really. Right now, I am using the computer computer. I disconnected both the mouse and keyboard at the same time, reconnected them, and restarted the computer. And would you look at this, it works.

I do still have a slight headache from all that utterly excruciating boredom. And all this... Whatever this may be. Perhaps I should go to the park today. My daily summer remedy. Ha, we'll see about "daily" once summer school starts. Which is in about a week and a day or two.

Approximately twenty minutes ago, while I was washing the dishes (yes, I actually washed the dishes!), this thought occurred to me:
It is so hard for us to believe the truth and what lies right before our eyes, but so easy for us to believe lies (pun?) and what we cannot see. Why, oh why?
Or, you know, now that I've had a second to read over the first part of that sentence, perhaps I should amend the first believe to want to believe. In other words, a lot of times, what we see, we don't want to believe, because a lot of those times the circumstance is unpleasant. Maybe, from time to time, it's easier to accept a lie and not know the real truth rather than have the truth hit you hard and have to trouble yourself thinking about it. But what I believe is that the truth always reveals itself. Often in the most shocking ways, after having been concealed for a prolonged period of time. There was this one meangingful quote my sister was once very obsessed with and still is very fond of, from an Ann Rinaldi book. I forgot quite how it goes, but I am pretty certain that it asked when it's okay to lie and protect someone by it, or if that person would be better off knowing the truth. Eh...that sentence did not make much sense, but that's the gist. We do have that book on hand, but I do not want to take the long trek to go and retrieve it. And then having to look through the book for that one line...

I forgot to mention, not that it matters any to the good of society nor makes any difference in your life, that I watched tennis this afternoon. It was live from Wimbledon, England. I think that's where Wimbledon is... If not, then I have been misinformed by television. Darned media. It was very interesting, really. Rafael Nadal is only twenty-two! As of this year's June 3rd. (Wikipedia is quite the resource.) Anyway, it was cool.

Last week, my dad mentioned fishing. Yesterday he asked me if I still want to go. Not that I ever did. I said it's up to him. So, we'll see whether or not we go tomorrow. I predict not.

Back to absolutely nothing good to do. Truth be told, there is plenty that I should do for the good of...well, myself, of course. Such as homework (!), practicing piano (I really should) and guitar (ha), cleaning my room (double ha)... I'm simply way too lazy to do any of that. Yet I sit here, constantly complaining about what boredom is inflicting on me. My, oh my.

At one point today, I thought to myself, I need to get a new hobby. But what?! Reading, blogging... Um, let's see. I lack the patience to knit (besides, it's so...domestic), the motivation to practice piano (since I don't have lessons anymore), the inspiration to compose...compositions (besides the occasional poems for which sometimes I have to force words out of my mind these days), the artistic-ness to draw (I used to be okay at it, but since I never truly enjoyed it, I guess the potential faded), et cetera, et cetera.
Some people call watching television and sleeping hobbies. What a joke. One, when you're sleeping, you aren't doing anything! So you are not in any way entertaining anybody or yourself, nor are you keeping yourself busy. Watching television is something to do, I suppose. But you're only sitting there, staring mindlessly at an immobile screen! Granted, what's shown on that screen is most definitely not stationary (unless you somehow forget to press the "on" button; even static moves!). Then again, one could stubbornly (and cleverly, I might add) argue that reading is about the same thing. While reading, you're sitting there, mindlessly...reading word after word. Or, you could be mindfully looking at word after word. Who knows? Oh, well. Point is, if somebody asked me what my hobbies are, I would most definitely (how in the world do people get "definately"?!) not list watching television and sleeping. Or, haha, in some cases, the two could coincide.

This is the time
To be more than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life

Ha, not really. David Cook... I have not ranted about the guy in quite a while. And you know what? I do not plan on resuming that so-called habit (or obsession) anytime soon.
Frankie J needs to have more new songs! Seriously!

I need to think (oh, no!) about what I am going to do for summer school. Decisions, decisions.
You know, especially this year, I have experienced the extreme burden of having to make important decisions, ones that will make or break the ever so serious permanent record. No, not that dramatic at all. But decision-making is getting increasingly difficult these days. Or maybe it's just me and my slight, self-diagnosed, teenage paranoia. Hmm, not paranoia, per se. I think sometimes, I simply worry too much.
I have addressed the topic of worry before, I remember. So let us not dwell on it.

During dinner, while I was watching television, I saw quite an interesting T-mobile commercial. It was a "Romeo and Juliet" thing. It begins with a girl holding her cell phone proclaiming, "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?" I guess she receives a text message (or maybe an incoming call...), and then her parents barge in, demanding to know whether she has been speaking with her lover; her father sees her phone and almost explodes, but she explains the new T-mobile plan, and then he declares that they never really hated Romeo's family, it's just that it was always too expensive to call them. Blah blah blah. Better than the other one.

Yay, my mom is going to the market for fruit. Fruit, yay.
You know, it is so much easier for me to blog now than it was a while ago. I think it is because of the more open environment (out in the living room in lieu of inside a small bedroom) and because I had actually thought of something to talk about beforehand.
Speaking of "forehand", I want to learn how to play tennis with my left hand. Just like Nadal! He's naturally right-handed, though. But his uncle (also his coach) taught him to play with his left so that he could have a strong two-handed backhand (or something along that line). Have I ever mentioned how much left-handed athletes intrigue me? They do, quite a bit. Like I've said many times before, I am a disgrace to lefties, because I'm left-handed but do everything with my right. Well, most things. Anyway.

I also forgot to mention earlier that it's nearing the end of June, the beginning of July. And I just realized how excellently the calendar epitomizes the saying, "Every ending is a new beginning." I had to consult with mi hermanita for that. I worded it very oddly in my head.

Also earlier today, or maybe it was yesterday, I thought, I would like to travel the world and stay in every country for at least a year. And then I sensibly thought about it, and realized that that would take like, half a century, if not a whole lot longer. I don't have that kind of time! Unless I start now. Which, you know, is kind of impossible, because I lack 1) money and... well, money. Not to mention that I have not even graduated high school yet! Not that one needs education to travel. But still. Then I changed it to six months. But, you know, it was just another one of my fresh, whimsical thoughts. Who knows if I will ever be able to afford that kind of...whim?

"The Haunted Mansion" is on channel seven right now. I still remember this from the first time I watched it:
You try and you fail, you try and you fail. But the only true failure is when you stop trying.
I used that line in my Deca speech.

I am so sleepy right now. I have been waking up way too early every day this week, for the sake of going jogging, or, as in today's case, going to get the life sucked out of me (a.k.a. getting blood drawn). And to think that I was going to catch up on sleep over the summer. Ha.

I suppose that I am done for today.

About the time we think we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends.
-Herbert Hoover (what a name)

and a penny for your thoughts on this:
If something was miss-spelled in a dictionary how would we know?

como me haces falta tu


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