
It feels like it has been such a long time since I last blogged. Which, in actuality, was merely several days ago. But still, a lot has happened.

That "finally" for the title wasn't referring to that, though. I tried to sign in to this a few minutes ago, and it wouldn't work, and I just tried again, and clearly, it does now. "You try and you fail, you try and you fail. But the only true failure is when you stop trying."

Today is the day that I can "finally" take a breather. This week has been absolutely hectic. Finals are tomorrow, and today is the only day this week that I feel perfectly calm. Heck, today might as well have been finals day. That chemistry test was just plain horrible. Only ten multiple choice questions, which means each one counts for ten percent! I suck at multiple choice, I really do. And for the second free response, I completely... Well, actually, it'd be a lie to say that I forgot, because really, I just didn't know how to do it. So there goes my hope for an A in that class. Unless I ace the final. The chances of which are dangerously near slim. And the math quiz... Argh. I never even understood the homework, so how in the world could I have done acceptably on it? I did not study for either of today's tests because I returned home past ten last night (coming back from guitar class) and was working on an English essay (which was due this morning), then doing the chem review guide. And you'd think that the latter should have been good enough review. Clearly, it wasn't, because... Bad idea for the teacher to have given us the answer sheet. With the solutions! I just plain copied all the solutions onto paper. Mindlessly. Gosh, I am idiotic when it comes to important things such as this. So today I took two tests in a row (both of which I completely but unsurprisingly bombed) and then had an interview for Leadership. Since I didn't "win the election" (we ought to have an electoral college or something) and am currently vying for Chancellor of Social Activities, I had to go through an excruciatingly amateur-ish interview. Just kidding about that last part, really. It was okay. Quick, effective, efficient; snap, snap, snap and I was done. And then in Spanish, I did absolutely nothing at all. Like I have been for the whole darn week. I have the Spanish final first thing in the morning tomorrow. My teacher checked, and if I get 50 out of 150 points on the final, I would end up with a 91pointsomething percent. From 100.1, that is. I should have a much higher percentage, actually. If, you know, she didn't lose my papers on such a regular basis. Fifth period history, our music videos (if you can really call some of them that...) were due. We got to watch a few of them, and my group's was the last. It was really good! I wasn't there with them yesterday to work on the final product, but I was really happy with it. The first video that we watched, though, was a simulation of "Saving Private Ryan". It was funny. The second one was...some news thing. Though it was long, it made me laugh so hard that I actually had tears in my eyes! Well, the first and second videos combined, yes. Gosh, it was hilarious. Then in PE... Well, just the usual.

So for the past three nights, I have reverted to my habit of past-midnight-bedtime again. And now I realize just why fall semester this school year was so bad for me. It's 'cause I always slept so late! Way to realize it now, huh? Well, anyway. It's so dangerously detrimental to one's health, sleeping late. Yes, I now know that from experience. Like, actually know know, not just saying it. So I'm currently taking a guitar class at school (the second school, not the first). The first two days, it was boring, because I didn't have a guitar yet. But I did pick up some things. And yesterday, I finally acquired a borrowed guitar from a friend and I actually got to play! Having played viola in middle school really helps. That, and the piano for over half a decade... I should pick that back up soon. The piano, I mean. Seriously, I barely know how to play anything anymore! In a way, I'm hoping that learning guitar will compensate for that...
On a different but still related note, I woke up this morning, feeling extremely sore in my right arm. Seeing as how I had been sleeping on it for a while (or so I thought!), I told myself, "Oh, it'll probably wear off in a few minutes." But a few minute passed, and the soreness was still ever so present! Then, as I was getting water, it hit me: the guitar. (evil look) Or, at least, I'm assuming so. I think I was holding it in somewhat of an awkward position, or else I wouldn't have felt that pain, right? Or else guitarists would be wearing casts or braces all the time, right? I don't know.

Now on a different note... Hmm, I forgot what I was going to say! Let's move on and then return when I do remember. If. So Lakers are playing Celtics again tonight. Game four... Oh, gosh. They HAVE to win the next two! And then one more, to get the four. If I'm keeping my record straight... I'm going to miss the game, though, because I'm going to be sitting on a chair in a spacious and spartan classroom for three hours awkwardly holding a guitar.

I don't really appreciate when people take days upon days to sign a yearbook. Even if they are doing a whole page. I mean, with some people, I don't mind, because if they're important to me, and what they say might turn out to be meaningful, then fine. But like... really. Hurry up, you know?! I filled up a whole entire (redundant, I know) page in one night! Do you really need three days or however longer?
Oh well. Whatever.

I love Reba. I want to be just like her one day! Smart, skeptical, and sarcastic. Oh, wait. I already am all of the above. Ha. Ha. Well, I'm not all that skeptical, but more of cynical. In an optimistic manner. Today in Euro, I almost began reading the thesaurus. But then we started watching the music video things.

Anyway, since I don't really have all that much on my mind (FALLACY!), I'm going to go shower so that I can watch at least half an hour of the game afterward. And then go sit in an uncomfortably awkward position while dreamily gazing at earring dude.
Hahaha. (Yes, I'm laughing at my own "joke". And I am not going to let you in on it. Not that you care anyway.)


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