
I got home not too long ago. Today was the speech/interview final for Deca. And let me just so bluntly state how boring it was. Last year was so much more fun, what with the now seniors and the...excitement. Today, there were barely any judges! Let's see. We currently have...probably fourteen people in Deca, and there were only like, four to six judges! And three of them are seniors who were in it! Gosh. Anyway, I finished exceptionally early because I went first for speech and third for interview. "How'd you do?" Well, honestly, I know that I could have done a lot better, but...oh well. I didn't really care much, because, well, nobody really gave off the vibe that they cared much either.

Hmm. What is there to talk about? Well, there are only two more full days before the SAT II math this Saturday... And I have not been studying at all, even though I keep saying that I have to. Geez. Procrastination and lack of studying do not make a good combination for somebody in school. For somebody who cares about grades, I mean. Because a lot of people in school do not care about their grades. I don't get how that works, though... It annoys me when people don't carry backpacks to school. I mean, really. How in the world are you going to learn without school supplies?! And don't even go with "I'm an audio learner." That is so lame.

Oh, this lady just got bankrupt. I'm watching Wheel of Fortune.
And now I'm going to eat dinner. (Pause for a commercial break.)

Now 8:55, I just finished my shower, and I am about to commence my math homework. The chapter test is on Friday, which means studying is necessary tomorrow. Which means... Well, Lakers play Celtics tomorrow! And if I'm staying after school for tutoring, then that means I'll miss almost the whole first half of the game! Haha, our math teacher is funny. Some guys actually complained about having to study on the night of the first finals game, and when one asked her if she likes the Lakers, she said yes. Then she went on to say that she likes to watch only when she knows that they won. And he said that then it's not fun anymore! Which, you know, is very true. But apparently, she thinks it's fun because she KNOWS that they're going to win even when they're twenty points behind at one point. Math teachers and basketball...

Hmm. I hate short blogs, but this will have to be an exception, because I really have a lot of work to do and get done.

We can stand together, we don't have to look back now.


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