Sure, Why Not

That is what I just thought to myself in response to my most recently received instant message.

It is yet another sunny, nice Saturday afternoon, and I am both bored and burdened. I feel that I have absolutely nothing to do, whereas I know that I have a lot of AP assignments to begin. Talk about subjectivity and objectivity, or whatever the correct noun forms are. I've been sitting throughout the day; there's nothing good to watch on television, no place fun to go, nobody interesting to "conversate" with... Of course, there's homework. But that'd go in the category of "nothing good to do". Though I have to admit, it is useful slash educational.
Oh, and add to that list, "nothing intriguing to blog about".
Because nothing interesting has happened.

I've been going to the park a lot this week. Even though I haven't gone today. I think I actually enjoy going there and doing whatever it is we end up doing (badminton, basketball, sitting, swinging). There isn't a day when I do not see people from school. Unfortunately. So yesterday afternoon when I went there, there were some dumb wannaseemcoolbyalldressinginredandblack guys who set off fireworks or whatever. It was so stupidly stupid! I mean, in case you haven't noticed, it's a PUBLIC PARK, and there are CHILDREN running around everywhere, oblivious to the DANGER that you are causing and the harm that may be inadvertently inflicted on them! And it's polluting the air. And making people more prone to deafness, if they aren't slightly already. Goodness gracious me. Those guys seriously need to get a life or something.

This morning I went to do that blood test thing. It was the first time that I had been to that "laboratory", so I was rather apprehensive at first. And of course, I judged the place right away. The waiting room had only five chairs, and it barely had any standing space. The inside didn't seem all that satisfactorily sanitary, either! At least, not to me. When you open the door to go into the back, the door doesn't close! I mean, it like, slowly opens back if you don't purposefully close it all the way yourself. And you can see other people getting their blood drawn, too! I had to look away every time I saw the door open. Inside the restroom were lots of boxes of stuff, some information, some surplus supplies, I suppose. But whatever, I was just glad to have it done.

What do I talk about now? Well, the computer has gotten dumb again. Neither the keyboard nor the mouse works. These days, even SMACKING the keyboard won't make it function anymore. And the mouse drives me nuts. It's so... Grr. I have tried disconnecting and then reconnecting, but it still does not work. So I have returned to the habit of hogging up my cousin's laptop. When my sister isn't using it, that is.

Yesterday, I watched three movies in a row. They were all romance or romantic comedies.
"Love Actually" is a nice movie, even though initially, it was pretty hard to comprehend. It shows the growth of relationships between several couples, and then in the very end, everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY) reunites at the airport.
"Just Like Heaven" was an even nicer movie. It made me cry! Quite a bit, really. I really do not feel like giving synopses here, so if you're interested, just Google them. Anyway, a splendid movie.
"A Lot Like Love" was interesting, though I can't honestly say that I liked it that much. Partly because I did not pay as much attention to it because I was so sleepy after having watched two movies already.
"Just Like Heaven" was my favorite out of the three, undoubtedly.

And now I am just plain sitting here, occasionally glancing at the television about six feet away from me, showing yet another Chinese movie being attentively watched by my mother.
Oh, goodness. Yet another cheating man... What is up with men, huh? Yesterday somebody claimed that all girls are evil. I said that guys are evil, as well. But I suppose that I have to agree that girls are more so than their counterparts, in some respects. Ah, I think that I should take some gender studies classes in college or something. There was a period of time during which I thought I would minor in it. I hadn't thought about it for a while, though. Until now, obviously.
Let me clarify something now, not that it matters much. The man was and is not cheating... He's, um, having trouble declaring his love to this girl. Well, he just told her that he likes her a lot, and she says that she doesn't mind the situation they're under now, being good friends. She doesn't know, though, that his (girl) friend is guiding him by telling him what to say through the earpiece that he has on. Oh, well. Anyway.

When I am bored enough, I get a headache. Guess what. I have a slight headache now. Or maybe I'm nauseous. I don't know what it is, but it just isn't right.

We're low of fruit. We need to go buy fruit. And milk. And apple/ orange juice. Clementine juice is good, too, though more expensive than other more common two. I had a bit of pineapple juice today, and it was nasty. Probably because it's from concentrate. Or maybe it's because I don't like pineapple. But the pineapple juice at school is fine! Hmm. I think I want sushi, even though I am not the least bit hungry at the moment.

Geez, I am so utterly bored. You know, it would help perhaps the least bit if I had something interesting to tell you about, or just to rant. But it's not like I've done or been doing anything out of the ordinary, so that would be very difficult. I'm sorry, not would be. Is.
Gosh, I am utterly annoyed by the "fact" that there is nothing to do.
Haha, talk about wreckless driving. Or, more accurately, a wreckless driver. This guy hits another car at a stop sign, gets out to give a a wad of money to fix the car, gets back into his car, starts to drive again, and again hits the other car. He steps out yet another time, gives the guy yet another wad of money, and finally backs up and drives away the right way this time.
I'm talking about the Chinese movie, by the way.

I think that one of my vecinos has bought a lot of new furniture or something. They keeps going up and down to and from the parking lot. And it sounds like they're carrying stuff each time. For the past few days, I've noticed, they have been moving old stuff out. Interesting.

I want to go to Disneyland sometime this summer.

I am so bored!
My mother won't allow me to go learn how to drive. Or take Driver's Ed, whateveryoucallit.
Oh, well.

Gosh, I highly dislike movies or shows with horrible actors/actresses.

This is rather unusual, but I am boring myself by blogging about absolutely nothing, so I shall put an abrupt end to this bit of misery by seeking something else to do (most likely online).

Au revoir.


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