Malfunctions and Breakdowns

It seems today is the day for malfunctions and breakdowns.
How incredibly maddening!

What I did today:
awoke at about 10 (yes!), attempted (yes, attempted) to consume breakfast, watched a bit of television, began to read for Deca (it's actually pretty interesting so far), made a call for help (ha) due to a certain malfunction, continued reading, had lunch, parked my butt at the computer desk chair and set my eyes on the computer monitor while oh so expertly placing my two virtuoso hands on the computer keyboard clacking away, made another call for help (ha) but not due to a malfunction, went to a music store in Monterey Park in hopes of finally purchasing a guitar, amateurishly browsed the store, chose the cheapest package and then made the guy wait for a long time but not really while looking for guitar music books, finally made the purchase (not like I paid, though), went to the dentistry nearby because they had called a few days ago informing me that it was time for a check-up, made an appointment for next Sunday afternoon, proceeded to go to the supermarket on the way to the freeway to buy a phone card (for my mother, of course; what in the world would I need a phone card for?) and then food for dinner, came home only to have to make another call due to yet another malfunction, spent nearly an hour on the phone, experienced a breakdown, had an unusual dinner of fried rice (courtesy of my dad) and chicken and vegetables, sashayed over to the computer only to find yet another malfunction, restarted the computer only to see it being in the same frustratingly dysfunctional state, disconnected and reconnected both the keyboard and the mouse, restarted again, only to be disappointed yet another time, got the mouse to work but in a retarded manner, slowly but surely created a playlist to be playing the whole time even if the keyboard and its ally are not willing to function later on, came to turn on the laptop,
and am now blogging (or rather, blabbering) about what I have done today.
If that "list" (yes, it was only a list) seemed tedious, wait until I tell you in person what I did. I'd make sure to include all details. Well, not all. But most. Including my pre-noon attempt to practice a bit of piano and my post-lunch attempt to practice guitar, both of which failed miserably, or rather, both of which I miserably failed. Not that it made much of a difference to my day overall, really.
Oh, and would you look at that. The computer outside seems to be working just fine now. I hear somebody typing; and we all know that one would not type so normally if the keyboard was dysfunctional. Yes, I did try smacking the keyboard, but unfortunately, it did not work. Unless the effects take a few minutes to occur. Which, if true, confirms my cleverness. In a very indirect way. Ha! The mouse isn't working. Anyway, it's not like it's affecting me in any way whatsoever at the moment, so whatever.

Today felt somewhat like a Saturday. Yesterday, which was Saturday indeed, felt like Monday, which comes tomorrow. Interesting, huh? Not really. I have one full week to do what I need to do, which includes, but is most certainly not limited to: summer assignments (for chem, math, English), studystudystudy (for Deca, which I feel does not fit into the category of summer assignments because it's so...unique [ha]), exercise (been doing it, however intermittently), and better myself (actually a lifelong process, I now recognize).
I still do not know what I am going to do for education this summer. That's not too good, considering that summer school (wherever it may be, wherever I may be talking about) starts in a matter of several days (depends on your style of counting).

Now 8:57, I shall pause for a shower break.
(not that it matters that you know that I paused, since you don't truly experience a time lapse as I will be after however long I will have been gone...)

Currently 9:58. No, I did not take that whole hour and one minute to shower. I actually finished a while ago, but I had to wait for somebody to finish whatever the heck it was she was doing on the laptop (apparently, the computer outside stopped working again); meanwhile, I read Bless Me, Ultima for Deca. There's a very nice passage that I have read that I would like to "share" with you:
"Ultima took my hand and I felt the power of a whirlwind sweep around me... Her eyes swept the surrounding hills and through them I saw for the first time the wild beauty of our hills and the magic of the green river. My nostrils quivered as I felt the song of the mockingbirds and the drone of the grasshoppers mingle with the pulse of the earth. The four directions of the llano met in me, and the white sun shone on my soul..."
There's plenty more where that came from (chapter 1). That passage is actually on the very first page of the book. When I first read it, I was amazed by the vivid imagery and figurative language used. And then as I was reading the story, I came across it; a few minutes ago, I decided that I would type it out just for the heck of enjoying such eloquent articulation again. And...yeah.

Geez, every night now, I start getting sleepy by 9:50. Oh, right, I have to wake up early again tomorrow... Jogging, then the park. Then hopefully some homework or at least something, no matter how minuscule, related to school. School-related, however which way you like it put.
Joe Jonas's song has been persistently stuck in my head. Unfortunately, I do not have the remedy of actually playing and listening to the song at hand right now, because every time I try to listen or watch something on Youtube here, it stops about halfway and the sound becomes distorted. And somebody dumbly and cluelessly turned off the computer outside, thus ending the playlist that I cleverly began just in case the the computer started malfunctioning again. Gosh.

I am desperately trying to figure out what next to rant about. Okay, not desperately, because I'm not that desperate to tell you things after all.
Did you know that "alright" isn't a word? It's "all right".
"Afterall", too. It's "after all".
Nice to know, isn't it?

During dinner today, I learned that chickens have two feet. I'd been wavering between two and four (what other number of feet could they have?) for a while, and when I finally asked my parents, my dad answered, while my mom incredulously asked, "You didn't know that?!" Ha.

Oh, goodness gracious.

I am now at the beginning of chapter tres.
In the end I want to be standing at the beginning with you

Hmm, I haven't gone to play tennis in a while. The last time I went was...two or three weeks ago, I think. It's been far too long.

At one point during my excursion in Monterey Park today, I heard a good song on the radio, and when I got home, I immediately went to the website to look for the song. It took a while, but I found it. I have not listened to the lyrics yet, but the song definitely sounds good. And...if you're expecting the title of it, ha.

And, I think I am done, for I have run out of things to say.

On gossip:
Show me someone who never gossips, and I'll show you someone who isn't interested in people.
-Barbara Walters (isn't she famous for something or something?)

Haha, another just caught my eye:
To find out a girl's faults, praise her to her girlfriends.
-Benjamin Franklin (what a smart guy)


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