Go the Distance

Today was the official last day of school. I can bet that if everybody was to gather at one set place, the counted population would be approximately sixty, seventy at most. There was no lunch line! You know, I had said in the morning to my friend that the cafeteria people would probably be eager to give away lunches, seeing as how there were so less people present. But then apparently, they're smart, too! There was a lot less (oxymoron!) food than usual, and...yeah. It was sufficient, though, I suppose. Ah...the last day of school. And tomorrow is the first day of summer! I actually received a text from somebody today saying, "Happy summer solstice!" Haha. She sent it at exactly 1:00 P.M.; I don't recall if the solstice occurs at a set time, but I'd say 1 in the afternoon sounds about precise.
It was so hot today! Luckily, though, I learned from yesterday and did not even set foot near or on the PE field today. Every time I stepped out from a building, I instantly felt the heat. Every time I stepped into a building, I instantly felt the air conditioning. Clearly, the latter was much more preferable and pleasant than the former. And now, we have an air-conditioning-fan-thingy and the air-conditioner on. What a waste of energy. I ought to turn off the light. Hmm, but then I wouldn't be able to see anything, and that would not be good for my already horrible vision.

I don't really like putting my arms down on this desk, because especially when it's hot, they start sticking to the surface of the desk, and then when I move them, it like..."rips off' like tape. It is not a pleasant occurrence.

Even with both of the aforementioned cooling devices working, I am still hot. Why?! I would situate myself in front of the air conditioner... But I don't feel like getting up at the moment.

Yesterday my dad asked my sister and me if we want to go fishing tomorrow. I wasn't excited or anything; quite indifferent, as with everything else lately, actually. And earlier today he told us that we have to stay home tomorrow because somebody is coming to fix the sink or whatever. It doesn't even need any fixing anymore! For about a week, it was leaking, but then I think on Wednesday, somebody already came. It was fine, so I don't really see why we need to stay home and wait hours upon boring hours for somebody else to come and fix something that doesn't need repair. Oh, well. I'm going to go to the library. Free air conditioning! Yay! Several people told me that that was the only reason why they went to school today. Pretty good reasoning, I must say.

I suck at push-ups. During the latter half of first period through the end of second period today, I was playing cards with a group of acquaintances. Well, first I was playing big 3 or whatever with some girl friends, then I went to play Uno with some guy friends. Then we conjoined (I don't recall if that is a legitimate word...but we shall pretend that it is even if it isn't) and began to play Poker. I had no clue how to play. We played for push-ups. I won the second time...but since I didn't clearly understand the rules or whatever, I kind of threw away my opportunity to torture somebody! Anyway, we played for a while, and at one point, I lost and had to do twenty-one push-ups. I sucked. I did like, four and then stopped. I was so willing to do twice the number of sit-ups (easily!), but then they wouldn't relent. After a longer while, though, the guys just trickled away, and us four girls were left to play whatever. So, the four push-ups made my back hurt right afterward, but then I was fine after a minute. When I got home in the afternoon, though, my back started hurting, and I couldn't put my finger on the cause. Until, at one point in the evening, I remembered: those darned push-ups.
I played badminton with my dad after dinner. For like, almost half an hour. It was so hot! I didn't wear my glasses, because I don't like contaminating them with perspiration, so it was kind of difficult for me to see the birdie or whateveryoucallit at first. But then my eyes soon adjusted. And then just as we began to rest, my aunt came, and I played with her for a short, short while, then came back to take a shower. Tomorrow we are going to go play at the park. Or so we agreed.

I remember I used to have a "diary" when I was in like, kindergarten. We were at a small stationery store place one day, and I saw an agenda book that I really liked, so my mom bought it for me (si, yo era un poco consentida). Everyday after school, I would write in the appropriate box (according to the date) what I did each day. After a while, I realized that I did the same darn things every single day! With the exception of a few trips to the market or to Costco (I used to love Costco). I'm sure that I can find it somewhere now... But it'd get too hot, what with all that digging and thinking (about where it could be). So, what I do remember is that it always went something along the lines of: Today I went to school. Then I came home to do homework. Then I ate dinner with my family. Today I also went to Costco. It was fun. Something like that, okay? Don't judge my writing from back then; I was six! I was a great speller, though... Oh, hey... Now there's something that I've liked and still like! Vocabulary! I have finally figured out something that I've been committed to for practically my whole life. Go figure.

My mother is conversing with one of her amigas over the telephone at the moment, and since she's not exactly discrete, I couldn't help but clearly hear her declare that the last time we visited China was thirteen years ago. Which, now that I have done a quick calculation in my head (I didn't need paper or a calculator!), is accurate. It would be nice to go again. The only things I remember from that trip come from the photos that I find sporadically spread in all the photo albums that we have.
I want to go to Mexico and make my cousins bring me to the arcade, like last time.
Haha, I do realize that I just made myself sound like a spoiled brat, which I most certainly am not. At least, not nowadays, anyway.

I gave away Change of Heart again. Well, not gave, but lent. I didn't think that I would read it over the weekend (or do anything else), so I just asked A if he wanted it, so...yeah. I'll get it back someday. Hopefully. Speaking of books! Somebody dropped my yearbook today! She was holding it, and she swung around and suddenly dropped it! The corners bent, and the cover was...more scratched and was dirtier. I would have been upset had it been the first time it dropped, but it wasn't. Yet I was still kind of annoyed. For like, half a minute. I mean, it was bound to wear out anyway, so...why not? Somebody else made me drop it yesterday for the first time. I was walking really closely behind one of my friends, and suddenly she turned around, collided into me, and then it dropped. But it wasn't as drastic as today's... Agh. I hate dropping books, whether they are library books, textbooks, whatever.

Another addition to my pet peeves list is when strangers request for you to be their friend on myspace (it doesn't deserve capitalization anymore!). I mean, come on. Are you really that desperate? I don't know you, so don't bother! It's so...strange, to say the least. In fact, "strange" is not even close to the word that I am looking for. But I suppose that for the moment, it will do. (Please take into consideration the fact that I am very sleepy right now.) Seriously! If you don't know me, and I don't know you, don't pretend you do, and don't try to get me to! I don't want to! But if it was in person, it would be a much different story, because then you would actually know who that other person is, rather than having to look at ambiguous photos online. And all that other annoyingly stupid stuff.

I hate being purposely evasive. It can be quite hard work; makes me break a sweat! Kind of just kidding about the latter part. But...hmm. Every day for the past week or two, there is one point when the word evasive comes to mind, and I have to think about the sad fact that I am being so much so for the sole purpose of... Never mind. Too much information (here).

Wow, this is kind of a record. I am blogging with no distraction. My parents are watching yet another dumb movie on television; I am talking with nobody on AIM. Oh, goodness. I have to get started on AP assignments! I need to get a book for Calc! Agh. Let's see... I think that I should have gotten the AP US history assignment, though, because you never know; I might change my mind at last moment. Okay, so I just silently panicked to myself for about ten seconds after I made that last statement. Oh, no!! Okay, I shall stop thinking about it.
Happy thoughts!
You know how people sometimes tell somebody in (di)stress to think happy thoughts? I have never known or figured out what my happy thoughts are. I tend to think of flowers... But then that makes me think of the thorns, which are most definitely not causes of happiness. Then there're also bees... Need I go on? Bunnies and rainbows. I think that I got that from television. It doesn't work. Hmm, do bunnies bite?! And rainbows... Well, I guess that generally, they are pretty pleasant. But then there's supposedly a pot of gold at the end of it, and if you were to be scraped with gold, then it would hurt, right? I seriously take these kinds of things too literally for my own good.

Ah, I love Ne-Yo. I never got how to spell his name, though... Oh, wait, I have one of his albums. Haha.

Over the course of yesterday and today, I have gotten twenty-five degrees darker. (Yes, I approximate the amount by which my skin tone changes by number of degrees. No, it is not nearly scientific, but perhaps someday it will be, and you will regret having laughed at my theory!) Over the course of the five years (HALF A DECADE!) that I have had physical education (ha!) class, I have gotten probably nearly ninety degrees darker, if not one-hundred. Wonderful, isn't it?

I have to begin studying for Deca... Oh, goodness gracious me. So it turns out that I do have a lot to do this summer after all!

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate it when people poke, pat, or "hit" me to get my attention? I especially hate the first two. I would much rather "hit", for some weird reason. Not that I enjoy getting hit; I simply dislike poking and patting more.

So it is now 10:53 P.M. And I am sleepy beyond the horizon (no, that probably did not make sense), so I shall obey my body and go to sleep now.

We are all apt to believe what the world believes about us.
-George Eliot


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