Amazing A

Welcome one, welcome all! With absolute, great pleasure, I present to you...

Never mind. I think that I've found a new source of happiness. And no, it is not drugs or anything illicitly-related. And I've got to say, it's almost amazing. The source, I mean.

Anyway, today was so stupid hot! In sixth period, I was just standing there, not really doing much, and yet it was still hot! Granted, I was standing under direct sunlight. Oh, gosh. What will summer be like this year? Crazy mood swings: hurricanes, thunderstorms, heat waves... Not only have the people gone crazy, so has the weather! Agh. Wonderful, wonderful.

The Lakers lost yesterday. By like, ten points. There was one inspiring event, though. One of the players from the Celtics got injured quite badly, seemingly, but then he came back and was ON FIRE! What a morale-killer for the Lakers. I mean, I still wanted LA to win, but hey, you gotta be realistic.

So today is Friday. The SAT II is tomorrow! And I have literally done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in preparation for it. And we all know that math isn't my best subject. I would LOVE to take SAT II for English, though. That'd be just plain awesome. Speaking of math... We had a chapter test today. Yesterday while I was at home, I was just flipping through the book for review, and the whole time, I thought, "Hmm, this seems pretty easy; I think I've got it down." So I just stopped studying or whatever. Then again, I don't know how to study. Which is pretty sad... Well, anyway, today's test was so horribly hard! Two-thirds of the class stayed in throughout the whole lunch time! That's how bad it was! I didn't know how to do more than half of the problems... And there were fifteen of them. I think that we have only one more quiz before our final. Finals start next Friday, and my first ones are... English and Spanish. Neither of which I have to study the least bit for. Then the following Monday will be math (!) and history (eh). Tuesday, chemistry (!) and PE (ha!)...

I once wrote a (Myspace) blog about having everything, then ending up with nothing. I think that this has applied to me for the past two weeks or so. Then again, I also feel that maybe now that I've let go (whether it be voluntarily or not) of some things, I've gained a lot of others. And I'm thinking that the latter, more current ones are better than the past ones. I mean, there are lows and some highs, and then there are the few zeniths and apexes that are just plain outstanding, in more ways that one. Those make me happy, too :)

The television is on, no surprise, and I'm hearing (not really listening) a very nice-sounding Chinese song. It's in Mandarin, and I don't really feel like trying to decipher what they are saying. But by looking at the screen, I can tell that it pertains to the earthquake that hit China a few weeks ago. May 12th, their t-shirts say.

Oh, geez. I really do not want to show up for the test tomorrow. I mean, I honestly, truly do not know anything! And while I was registering online for it, I chose to send my scores to UCLA, UCSD, UC Berkeley, and Princeton. Princeton! I am going to give such an awfully horrible first impression! Agh, not good! I mean, if I was applying to Princeton, and the board was on the verge of... well, if they were having trouble deciding, and then they take a look back at SUCH A LOW SCORE, then my chance will have been demolished! Argh. Well, let's just hope for the best, I guess.
I have a friend who is really good a math. But it's not even like he likes it. And he has the highest grade in his calculus class! Yesterday while I was studying on the bus in the evening, I told him, "This is how I study" as I was mindlessly flipping pages in my math book. He replied, "You know how I study?" Well, the answer was pretty obvious: "You don't." He laughed. Because it's true! I don't get how some people sleep in class, don't do their homework, rarely ever study, and still maintain such admirable grades! I used to be like that...quite easily, too. Now, I have to think about studying my neurons out but never actually doing it.

Oh, ew. This girl who's cooking on television is wearing a bandage on her right index finger... And she's touching EVERYTHING! With her BARE hands... Gosh, does she not know how to say "marinate" in Chinese or something? It's like, "...marinate..." The ellipses mean Chinese. Haha, what she's attempting to cook almost burned. Burnt?
Haha, whenever somebody says "reached", I always think, "It's 'rought'!" Just because teach goes to taught.
This girl... She doesn't know what she's doing. This is so weird. Then again, I wouldn't know what I was doing, either, seeing as how I hate cooking. A lot of the things I hate... It's mainly because I lack the patience to do them. That sucks. But it's how I am, and though I know that it's a characteristic I should get rid of... Well, it's too much effort. There I go again.
Seriously, this girl. Use Chinese, if you're on a Chinese show! Oh, her bandage is one of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. I love Winnie the Pooh. My favorite character was Eeyore. That Eeyore and I are quite alike, us two. Tigger is way too enthusiastic; Rabbit is way too cynical... Actually, I'm cynical. But like in the way that Rabbit is. Winnie just plain... He never has any troubles! I mean, he does. But he's like, one of those easy-and-eager-to-please persons. Piglet is a wimp. Actually, I myself can sometimes be a wimp, but not like Piglet!
Ugh, why is she touching everything with her bare hands...? Does nobody know the definition of sanitation?!

I want to read a book. I cannot wait until the days following finals so that I can be carefree and do anything (or, you know, NOTHING at all) for a while before summer school begins. I'm going to read a lot of books over the summer. Hopefully. There was this one summer when I read A LOT (and I mean a lot) of books. Maybe it was the one before eighth grade or ninth grade. It was awesome. I never really went out; always at home, sitting around, reading reading reading. It was fantastic. I also want to write more, whether it be poems or blogging or actual journal entries. I think that I shall start writing letters come September, when some go off to college...
I can't wait til college. It's so extremely free. I mean...not financially. Because financially, it's hugely expensive.

Yesterday I spent about an hour and a half or two "autographing" somebody's yearbook. It was really nice and colorful, though. Granted, I did waste my studying time... I mean, sleeping time. I wouldn't have studied anyway. But I gladly would have slept! Oh, well.

I think I'm going to go to sleep before 11 tonight, because I do not want to fall asleep during the test tomorrow. I mean, it's one thing to not know much, but it's a whole other to fall asleep during the test.

(sigh) I am getting bored writing this. Perhaps it's a sign. I have a lot to do this weekend and throughout next week, which primarily consists of studying. Or, you know, thinking about the agony of studying and then being tempted to fall asleep and then giving up and closing the books and then feeling defeated, followed by going to sleep, with the result of acquiring an unsatisfactory grade on the quiz/test. Wonderful, wonderful.

My parents are talking about what to buy to make Chinese tamales. I think that it's that one Chinese holiday soon... We learned about it in Chinese School once. It was some boat thingy. Or so the name reminded me of. I miss Chinese School.
Probably about three weeks ago, my mom, my sister, and I were in Alhambra, and as we were on Atlantic and Commonwealth, waiting to make a turn, we were SHOCKED to see that our Chinese School was GONE. I mean, is. It's gone! I mean, they had spoken of tearing down the school in order to build an apartment complex, and I'd always thought that they were bluffing, because you know, it had been almost a year and a half already, and then... Well, obviously, they finally did it. I was saddened. The place that we initially dread and despised but then grew to enjoy and love... Destroyed. :(

The computer has been retardedly dysfunctional for the past few days. I mean, I can now officially say that the computer is BROKEN and be technically correct. Maybe. Well, okay, so the computer itself seems to work; I mean, it turns on and stuff. So first, the mouse didn't work. We tried disconnecting and then reconnecting it, and restarting the computer and all that, but still it didn't work. So I tabbed to and from every single stupid window. Do you know how annoyingly, frustratingly difficult it is, not having a mouse?! Well, I'll tell ya: EXTREMELY! It takes freaking forever to do everything! But that's not all. A day or two later, the keyboard decided to commit suicide, as well. Well, go ahead, then. Go, I'l bury you with the mouse. Gosh. I'd be typing, and then all of a sudden, I'd realize that nothing is coming out! The other day, I just plain SMACKED the keyboard. I mean, seeing as how the computer's sort of broken already, why not, right? Besides, I had always wanted to do that anyway. After smacking it for a few seconds, it worked. So I was content. But a minute later, it died again! I tried doing the same thing, but then it wouldn't work. Gosh darn it. So I just restarted, then ended up shutting down. And now I'm using my cousin's laptop. Have I ever mentioned how laggy it is? Fortunately, though, it isn't at the moment.

I miss downloading new songs! Stupid computer. Mouse. Keyboard. Whatever.

Anyway, it's 8:40 now, and I am going to go take a shower and then "study" for like, half an hour and go to sleep. Darn. That means I have to blow dry my hair.

A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that "individuality" is the key to success.
-Robert Orben


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