This Is Real, This Is Me

So I watched "Camp Rock" last night. Well, not really. I saw about fifteen minutes total of it: the first five minutes and then the ending. Because I barely watched the movie, it would barely be viable for me to comment on it. But let me just say that the songs are pretty good. What I don't like about it is that it seems like a retake/remake of "High School Musical". Ah, Joe Jonas... He's nineteen in November! I mean, not that it matters any to me in any way whatsoever.

We went out for dinner tonight. I really did not want to go out because after having stayed home all day playing cards and whatever lazy else, I thought it rather pointless to change and go out just for an overpriced meal that could simply be made at home for much lower of a cost. But hey, I guess you gotta pay to entertain. Or whatever. Some of my father's companions came up from Santa Ana, and every time that they do, we go out to eat. I don't get why we couldn't go to the mall... I mean, there's free air-conditioning! Then again, given the inevitable throngs of people that are bound to be roaming (or standing!) around everywhere you turn, it still could get kind of stuffy in there. So, back to dinner. It was...okay. I think that my favorite part was the tea, simply because I didn't feel like eating. Actually, I did consume quite a bit more than I wanted. And then I drank tea to "cleanse my system", 'cause you never know what goes into the "food". Then again, you never know what goes into the tea, either.

My eyes...are extremely tired right now. I did not get to have a sufficient amount of sleep this weekend. I mean, even though I awoke yesterday at 10, I was still sleepy. This morning... Well, last night I slept at 1:30 because I was up for half an hour writing something. And then I woke up at 9:30 or so. I forgot what I did when I got up. Oh, well. It was most likely nothing important to society.
I must get started on my AP summer assignments. I haven't even looked at any of them yet! But I do know that I have to obtain books for both English and math. Borders, here I come! Next week...says mi padre.

"Truly, Madly, Deeply".

Oh, earlier, at the restaurant, there was practically a crying contest going on. A baby from the table adjacent to where I was sitting started wailing (yes, wailing, not crying) for her mommy to hold her, and all of a sudden, the baby with us started crying too. Fortunately, though, she gave up after a short while; but then, it wasn't like she had a reason to cry to begin with... Later, after those people left, a baby from a farther away table started crying, and then she started crying because she had fallen to the floor or something. And then we two tables of people were staring at one another. It was kind of amusing. Oh, they had a birthday, too! You would kind of figure, though, given that large table with the large number of people. The waitress brought out a cake and stuff, and then everybody gathered around and clapped along to the happy birthday song in the background. It was so nice! I didn't figure out who the birthday person was until the middle of the song. Apparently, it was the baby's! She's one year old! It was such a nice sight. To see a whole, big family celebrating together and all that. Digital cameras all around! Haha.

Gosh, I think that I am prematurely aging too quickly. It's not even eleven yet, and I'm sleepy already! You know, I once had a substitute teacher for Spanish class who nearly complained about the fact that people these days misuse and confuse the words "yet" and "already". Like, people today would ask, "Did you eat already?" instead of more accurately asking, "Did you eat yet?" or, you know, to be even more gramatically genius, "Have you eaten yet?" Every time I use either of those two words, I think of the "issue" at hand. Pretty interesting, really. So next time you think of either word, think about which one makes more sense.

"You Deserve Better".

Sometimes I think that I am too sarcastic for my own good. It especially sucks when somebody doesn't pick up on my sarcasm, and I have to pointedly point out that I was being sarcastic. Or even worse, the person will take me seriously and get upset with me. Even if I tell them my intended tone. Sometimes I think about telling myself that I need to take some things a lot more seriously than I do. But then my id butts in and contradicts my superego by insisting that life would be much easier taking things lightly. I try to stray somewhere in the middle between the two contenders.

Gosh, I can be unbelievably, idiotically, foolishly stupid sometimes. I seriously need to think things over and have backup plans and actually plan (for) them in case plan A doesn't work out. Geez...

It is now 11:23, thirty-seven minutes before midnight and the second official day of summer. I mean, third. Ah, tomorrow is Monday! What shall I do on a summer-vacation Monday but my precious AP chem assignment? Yay...

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
-Umberto Eco


Anonymous said…
You and your amazing capacity of mind is incredible and I do enjoy having such an amazing person as a friend.
Keep the blog running!!

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