George Orwell

once pondered, "On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time."

It is so astoundingly, mind-bogglingly hot. Today during school the winds were winds of HEAT! STRONG heat! Usually winds are supposed to cool you down in the case of heat, but these winds... They were just plain wrong. So, so hot!! Global warming, again, has made a comeback. Pft, unlike the Lakers... But I'm over that! Speaking of which, during lunch today, some kids were going around the quad and cafeteria holding up a poster declaring the Celtics' victory. They were running around yelling and...whooping! Whatever the correct term for their actions is. There was actually commotion, too. As I was walking to fourth period, one guy threw his mashed potatoes; I don't know where he was aiming, but...he threw it!
This weather, this...insane climatology is catastrophic. We are plummeting into an abyss of catastrophe! There's the environment: global warming. If you don't believe in global warming, please tell me you at least believe that there is something crazily wrong with the temperature. High, high highs and high-lows or torrential rainfalls and mini-tornadoes. What is wrong with this picture? (Answer: You're in it.) Just kidding. But anyway... Another aspect of this catastrophe is the economy. Put simply, the economy just plain sucks right now. There's the ever so controversial topic of GAS PRICES. Why, why, why are they so high, high, high?! What did we, as citizens, ever do to deserve this treatment, huh? Tell me. We ought to organize a revolt or something. Start small (say, City Hall) and then go big (the White House!). Haha, I am reminding myself of the years of or prior to the Civil War. I forgot the event's name, but a whole bunch of angry farmers marched to the White House to declare lower bread prices and whatnot. The president at the time, though, suppressed the revolt, I think. He had threatened to massacre them with...weapons and machinery and whatnot. What a joke. Be a man, you know?! Fight on horseback while grasping your sword, and then shall you be a soldier.
What in the world am I talking about?

I find a lot of television shows today extremely dumb. I mean, "Wife Swap"? What in the world use is that?! You don't learn anything from it, and anybody old enough knows that it's all fake. You don't know how much fakeness takes part in "reality shows". Reality shows... Pft. They cut and play what they assume you will find interesting and will keep you interested. So deceiving these days, television in general and media overall. "Farmer Wants a Wife"? Pathetic. If you want to go looking for a wife, go out or something! Lazy man. Lame, useless, completely meaningless television shows these days. They annoy the heck out of me sometimes. So much so from time to time that I actually have to watch them! That did not make sense.

So that friend who lost his yearbook. Gosh, of course it wasn't as bad as we had all looked at it to be. Somebody had taken it from him, for some dumb reason, and then gave it back to him today. That is so unnecessarily mean, though. I mean, a yearbook is pretty important to a lot of graduates. Especially when a lot of other people have written in it and you haven't had the chance to read it. It sucks. But it's good that he found it. Then again... Because I'm such a nice person, I brought supplies to school today so that I could write another page for him. By the time I presented it to him at lunch, though, I already saw the yearbook in his arms! But it's okay. It's not like I was going to keep what I wrote for him. That gives a feeling of incompletion, of... fault.

Change of Heart, I'm reading very slowly. It's kind of boring, but (or, more appropriately, so) I'm trying to push my way through it while intentionally allowing many other things to distract me. I should read it right now... I should practice guitar right now! If the teacher wasn't absent today, I would be in class at the moment. But he is, thus I have a night off. Yay...

When does summer school start, again?! Oh, gosh, I have to get a book for Calc BC...
I need to get it. Oh, I need stamps! Okay, got 'em. I bought the postcards yesterday, and this morning while my friends were discussing stamps, I finally realized that I needed stamps! Go figure! So, yeah, now I have to turn it in tomorrow. a minimum day. I'm going to miss the seniors... But not nearly as much as I missed the eighth graders when I was in seventh grade. Still. Two more days, and then arrives the beginning of yet another school year. Marvelous.

Our bus driver hasn't been here all week! I actually kind of miss her. No, not just her fast driving. Hmm. You know, sometimes I think that we don't appreciate our school bus drivers enough. I mean, they get up so much earlier than we do, and they drive us to and from school every weekday. And some take the night shift, too! And all some of us do is talk smack about how mean they are, etcetera. I also wonder what they do while we're in class at school. I mean, nearly EIGHT hours! That's insane! Especially now, when it's so hot. I wonder, oh how I wonder.

We were created to find each other
Our fate written down for us to love forever
Our hands locking tight as you look into my eyes...

Hmm. Oh, how gay. I feel kind of annoyed right now. But I shall keep this pleasant and refrain from disclosing my burdens. Although, it's not fair to call them burdens, because they're just trivial matters for the moment.
It is so hot!!

Today I finally gathered my courage and went to see my counselor. Just kidding about the first part. So I went there and I signed up for honors US history. Fantastic, smart me. Honors in lieu of AP. I'm still contemplating whether or not I made the "right" decision, though... Though, if I was to create a pros/cons list (ha, yeah, right), the cons for AP would most definitely outweigh those for honors. Okay, fine, so I have made a list. But only a mental one that I conjure up for conversations!
I am currently drinking apple juice. Yum. I need to get some orange juice; orange juice is good. It's good for you, too! Vitamin C, yeah!
Haha, I have a friend who is obsessed (in a bad way) about "high fructose corn syrup". He reads the ingredients on the snacks they hand out where we volunteer, and whenever he spots that ingredient, he yells it out and declares its unhealthiness. It's hilarious.

An acquaintance (I finally came up with a new, though not very sufficient, replacement for "friend") today asked me if I hate or dislike anybody. I thought for a moment, and asked, "Are you asking because it seems like I like everybody?" He said no; instead of answering his question, I gave him... Well, actually, he just asked me to name people who I don't like. Or maybe I asked him if he'd like that instead. Anyhow, I began to think of people I don't like. I did have one or two come to mind immediately, but otherwise, it was pretty hard! See, if I was asked that question back in seventh grade, I could have given a flourishing list of names! After I told him that, I said, "See, maybe I just got nicer or something." He incredulously repeated, "Nice?" Hahaha. He used my punching him on a constant basis as evidence to that...retort. I really ought to stop hitting people. They don't deserve it. Hopefully I will get over it over the summer.

What to do, what to do? So tomorrow, barely anybody is going to be at school. Not to mention Friday... Gee, whiz. Tomorrow ought to be fun, though...I hope. The last day of school last year was. We went around taking pictures everywhere... And we helped teachers pack up stuff or move stuff around and such. It was cool.

Oh, as for grades... I secured my B in math. I cannot believe that I D'ed the final. It was so easy! Gosh... Sixty-freaking-six percent. That is just so wrong. It dropped my 86% to 81%, but it's all good, 'cause I started with a B and ended with a B. Actually...that means that I got nowhere! Agh. At first, though, when I input my total score over the total possible into my calculator, I saw 75% and I freaked out! I started screaming to myself, and then realized that I had done the total possible wrong. And...yeah. Gosh, it was a relief the second time. In chem... Oh, goodness gracious. I shall not mention it any further until I go and have a nice chat with the teacher. And I need to go fix my attendance for Spanish. I hate unresolved absences that mess up perfect attendance. And it's not even like I wasn't at school that day. It was CST day! So stupid, I tell you. I don't even know what we're doing for Deca over the summer. Which obviously is not good, because... Well, considering that I want so much to do better next year... Yeah.

I think I've pretty much blabbed all my guts out (ew) today. I'm now going to 1) read, 2) "practice" guitar, 3) watch television. Oh, and call somebody late at night! Haha.

On graduation:
Your families are extremely proud of you. You can't imagine the sense of relief they are experiencing. This would be a most opportune time to ask for money.
-Gary Bolding


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