So it's kind of unfair

that I, who actually try, do not get what I was vying for, whereas they, who did not (have to) try, did and do get what they wanted. This year, I've taken out a dusty box of old words that I would rarely have used had it not been for all that happened. Or, in this case, did not happen. Anyway, I did not get chancellorship, much less Chancellor of Social Activities. I could still try to be a representative for my academy, which is Humanities, but I just don't want to anymore. I mean, twice bitten, thrice shy here, okay? And I guess this just goes to show that I'm not cut for Leadership. I never liked it much anyway. I don't even know why I tried. (No, this is not a defense mechanism. It's the real truth.) Still, it's not fair that I, who tried and was the first to want it, did not get it, whereas there are others who didn't care much to begin with did get it. Just plain unfair. If this is how life works, I'm starting to like it less and less. Just kidding. But still. I guess I'll go for AP or honors US next year, then. I need to go see my counselor really soon, though, so that I won't have to try to fix a whole schedule after school starts. Honors sounds so much more enticing... Plus, I have chem and math to deal with. English shouldn't be that big of a deal, since I love English anyway. And I want to do better in Deca. Deca...notice I haven't mentioned it in a long time? Eh... Great, more thinking, even after finals are over. Gosh.

So the friend whose yearbook I disrespected lost his yearbook today. After school, I saw him, and he looked kind of upset, and as he passed by me on the bus, he muttered, "I lost my yearbook." Oh, wow. That sucks! I asked him whether somebody had it, or if he had left it somewhere, but then he had already walked past, so I obviously did not get my answer.

I keep forgetting stuff. Why?

I cannot wait until summer now, because I don't have to worry anything about leadership and/or how it's going to affect my work habits next semester. And I am now more free to take the class(es) I want.
You know, the other day, my mother told me what a blabbermouth I am. Apparently, I tell people my plans, and then... Well, let's just say that I shall be keeping more to myself now, I guess. But that's just not me! Like, though I don't share much, I do share a lot about my life... Unlike some stingy people who are always so private about their "private lives". Agh.
Then again, this is a blog, and the point of a blog is to share thoughts... Gee, I think I might be perplexing myself as well as you.

I cannot believe that this is the last week of school. So awesome. Not really. But I don't have to see certain people whom I dislike for the whole summer. Yay! Just kidding; I'm not a hater. At least, not to most people. Actually, I don't really care about when it's going to be summer break anymore, because really, the time passes by in the same manner anyhow. And it's still going to be hot.

On Saturday in lieu of playing tennis in the afternoon and badminton at night, we went to the mall! It was boring, though. Possibly the second-most boring mall trip I've had my entire short-lived life. Two of my little cousins came with us, so...I guess that was what made it so boring. Throughout our two-hour stay there, we purchased only one item: a yellow sweater. And it's summer! I kind of really hoped that it'd be cold today so that I could legitimately wear it, but it turned out to be so incredibly hot. It's soooo beautifully yellow! Every store we went into that day, I kept looking for yellow. Haha.

So today was the math final. It was relatively easy. I just hope that I got high enough of a grade to raise my current pathetic 86% up to a 90%. Otherwise, oh well. Euro... Ha. I left the class after forty minutes to go to my math teacher's because she had cleared EVERYTHING from my graphing calculator. See, when she told us that she was going to clear our calculators, I was not aware that she had meant EVERYTHING everything. Liability lies with her! Now I have to find somebody nice enough to link theirs to mine so that I may acquire some things back. Anyway, a few of us went and stayed at her room for a while, and then I got really bored, so I left and went to my Deca teacher's room. I talked to a friend for a while, then talked to Ms. Richard (oh no, I said her name!) and then talked to another person and then left about seven minutes before the bell rang for the end of the period. Euro. What a joke. (Oh, no, I'm starting to sound like somebody!) And right when I got into the threshold of the classroom, my teacher called my name, and I got that notice about the very first thing I talked about here. And...yeah. I wasn't crushed or anything. Just "eh".
Tomorrow is the chemistry final for me. And...hmm. I'm contemplating studying. I really should, because if I end up with a B+ afterward, I am going to get rounded up to an A. Or, so the teacher promised last semester when I had a B+. And then two hours of PE... Gosh. Two stupid, idiotic hours under the scorching scathe of the tireless sun! Wonderously wonderful.

I'm not going to listen to anything my counselor says anymore. I'm just going to go behind her back and take whatever classes I feel like.
Just kidding. Kind of.

So the Lakers won yesterday! Yay!! It's now... Well, if they win again tomorrow (which, HOPEFULLY, they will), it'll be 3-3. Please win! We had dinner at our cousins' yesterday, which meant that initially, there was a slight family feud. The cousins wanted to watch anything but the game, while my sister and I wanted to watch nothing but the game. Finally, after some yelling and some name-calling, we got to watch the game. We, especially myself, were yelling and screaming and jumping up and down for a long time. It was such a beautiful game. Despite Kobe's streaks, I still like Derek Fisher the most. Oh, so Luke Walton looks SO MUCH like his father! I think they showed something about him at halftime; I'm not sure because I was doing something else and then came back just in time to get a glance at the television showing an old photo of him and his family or something. And this morning on the radio, I learned that his father used to play for the Celtics! Unless I heard wrong. That's really interesting, though.

My conscience is nagging me. So I am going to attempt to begin studying like the studious student I should be now.
Until next time...

"And remember, no matter where you go, there you are."


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