Driving Myself Insane

And about two days ago, that was apparently the craze amongst several of my peers. I just finished listening to it. And now I am listening to...Paris Hilton. "Nothing In This World" is actually a pretty good song. Just...do not watch the music video. Seriously, don't.

Oh, how strangely coincidental. I was just thinking about somebody, and he just signed on on AIM. Interesting, huh? Quite.

My left pinky finger aches from guitar. Not surprisingly (and I already knew from piano), the pinky is often the weakest finger. Anyway...it hurts! In that class, we've been learning how to play chords and what essentially seem like broken chords. And we've heard some familiar and nice-sounding songs! I had one stuck in my head right before I began blogging... Oh well. We don't have class tomorrow, because of graduation or something along that line. I don't think I want to go to class the following day because I wish to attend the Chatsworth graduation that is to take place at approximately six in the evening, prior to the glorious sunset that is bound to occur soon following the commencement. Anyway... Hmm.

I'm getting sleepy already! Today was the last day of finals, and, to most people, the last day of school. The chemistry final was... Well, it would not be fair to claim that it was hard, because it really was not. Then again, it was not easy for me because I did not study. Thus, I am dubious of the possibility of my scoring something high on that. But let's hope for the best. Or, at least, if you don't care, then I will. PE was just plain lame. We were given twenty-five minutes to walk four laps, and I highly doubt nobody didn't (double negative) finish in under twenty. Then we were alloted about ten minutes of "cooling down" and getting ready to play basketball. We played two games, and then people gradually stopped playing and started drifting to the shade outside of the boys' locker room. Before I knew it, there were only a few people left playing basketball! So my friend and I hung out in the shade for a few minutes, then, under peer pressure, travelled to the desert (a.k.a. the tennis courts located directly under the cancer-causing wrath of the huge star long-ago, now dead smart-alecks deemed "the sun"). It was extremely hot today.

And, the Lakers lost. I didn't get to watch the game. You see, had I known that it was supposed to start at six, contrary to what was announced and shown during the last game (which said 8:30), I could have watched almost the entire first half of the game. But no... I wasn't aware of it until I finished showering, which by then, was already 7:10, which meant that we had to get going. Gosh, Lakers. Such a disappointment. Just kidding. I'm just sort of disappointed that they didn't win. Although, I will admit to the fact that I did say a few times, "Watch, there isn't going to be a game on Thursday." Oh well, there's always next year. Here's a time when I'm being hypocritical. Just a few days ago, it occurred to me that it's pretty ridiculous that one basketball game can so heavily impact a fan's mood. And it doesn't make much sense, because really, how close are we to it/them? Why should a win or loss dictate our moods? Eh...

Oh, I just reminded myself that I need to go see my counselor and drop some dumb class and take some smart class instead. Yep... Hmm. And I need to go turn in my postcards. I bought them today after school. I treked all the way to the heart of Chinatown and spent two dollars and seventeen cents on four postcards. I probably needed only two, but I can be a very "just-in-case" person sometimes.

Now listening to "Say Goodbye". I haven't heard it in a long time. I really should delete some of the near-thousand songs I have... Kind of bothers me that I need to scroll so much when I'm looking for a random song to indulge myself in. Not really, but still. I'm starting to not make sense, I get the feeling.

How do you let go when you just don't know what's on the other side of the door?
Hmm. What a fascinating question.

Dagnabbit, we have Deca in the morning tomorrow, which means that I have to eat breakfast at home. Actually, whether or not I eat breakfast at home, I still wake up at the same time. And leave home at the same time... Hmm, not really. I think I wake up about five minutes later. Anyway, it's a lot easier to just not have to eat when I'm in the middle of rushing. When I rush, though, I rush slowly... Because I'm a slow person. (Because I'm a girl.)

You know, sometimes when you tell somebody your hypothesis or whatever, you must give it some background information and at least a bit of attempted evidence. Otherwise, it's just a weak opinion that goes hardly credible for your audience.
Seriously, I am not making sense right now.
I'm half falling asleep here.

I want my book back! Or, well, it's actually not my book, but it was lent to me, and I want it back now. (If you're reading this, you know who you are, so give it back to me!)
Speaking of which, YOU. Give me back my precious YELLOW wristband. Or else.

No, I am not schizophrenic, and no, I was not talking to myself.

It's hot.

That was quite possibly the simplest complete sentence I have ever allowed myself to type in here. Haha.


I wonder what we will be doing in classes tomorrow... Probably just grades. I really hope I didn't get that low of a score on today's chem test so as to allow myself high enough of an overall B for it to be qualified for the round-up to an A. That would be sweet. And then... Math. Oh, goodness gracious. Just the thought of it raises my blood pressure a bit. Just kidding. But... Yeah, apparently, some people went to the class at lunch to check their grades. And practically everybody who did go in, their grades dropped by one whole letter grade following the final. And those who are close to the next higher grade will most definitely not be rounded up. That sucks. Seriously. I mean, okay, I know that it's fair to not curve the tests, but in the same respect, it's also quite unfair for a lot of people. Because some of us are good students, and we understand the math and everything, but then when it comes to pressure of taking such an important test, we just crash! And okay, that may not include me, because the only reason I crash is because I don't truly study. But still. I could have easily gone to check my grade as well, but I really did not want to end up crying like a few of them did. Laissez-faire, you know? Go with the flow.

"It Is You".

Hmm. So there are three more days of school left, counting Friday. I'm going to be one of few nerds at school on Thursday and Friday... Sounds inexplicably exquisite. One of my friends today was super-excited about "NO LUNCH LINES!" Haha. It's a good point, though. "No lunch lines" is only a four-times a year thing. Or however few (notice I didn't say "many"). I wonder what I will be doing over the summer... Oh, gosh. I need results and answers. And I need forms from the counselor, whom I dread seeing because... Well, JUST BECAUSE. I would not at all mind going to see my old counselor, though. She's awesome.

It's now 11:02, and I am sleepy to the extreme, so Good Night to you all. Even if it is, at the moment, daytime.


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