
With that, I realize that I've never actually made any attempt at a formal greeting to start with. And...it's June! There are about three more weeks of school left, including weekends. And let us just say that I am looking forward to the summer, possibly for the first time ever. I think that I want that time to gain new experience and knowledge (in so many more ways than one) and meet some new people, as I do every other summer. I also want others to have the time to...just get over things that have been on their minds during the school year. If that made any sense.

Well, this probably will not come as a surprise to you, seeing as how it's so very evident that I'm a big procrastinator... I haven't been studying for the SAT II. And it is...three days away, not counting the actual test day. Wonderful... Gee, I am so afraid of geometry and trigonometry. Fork over the algebra 2 and precalculus, and I'll be fine. But seriously...shapes--triangles, in particular! Oh, no! Agh. Plus, the Deca speech/interview final is tomorrow, and although I am not at all worried about the latter part, I have to for the former, because I haven't yet memorized my speech. It's so lame... My topic, "What Winners Do to Win", is so cheesy. I am so not that much of an optimistic person. I mean, I can be. But I wanted to do something more...cynical this year. It's just that at that time, I couldn't think of anything, so I did the desperate, pathetic thing that teenagers these days so often resort to at first thought: I searched the Internet. I actually Googled "speech topics" and saw that. Maybe I'll go with humorous and do "Rules of Life"... That'd be interesting, but I kind of doubt that three and a half to four minutes of rules will impress a diverse audience. Eh. I'll do another over the summer if necessary. When I get horrifically sick of this speech, I'll write another.

We have a math chapter test on Friday! No!! I am at an 89.04% right now... And I absolutely cannot afford a chapter test! Agh! Why...?!
Geez, I really need to refresh all my math and chemistry...the only two classes I ever worry about these days.

The Spanish oral final begins tomorrow. And honestly, I laugh when people complain about having to memorize all their answers. (We have a list of all the possible questions and we had to answer them for home/classwork.) I mean, come on. You're NOT SUPPOSED TO memorize your answers! Just know what the question is asking, and know some vocabulario, and you're set. And, okay, you have to know past and imperfect tenses, as well..., but those aren't that difficult.
If you can't tell, I don't hate Spanish class anymore. Or, well, I guess I was more okay with it starting second semester. People's annoyance kind of rubbed off on me, I guess. Not implying that I myself became more annoying (although I know that sometimes I can be)...I just got used to it, I suppose. Anyway. What I hate about Spanish class nowadays is when people come to talk to me for the SOLE, SELFISH, STUPID (alliteration!) purpose of "borrowing" my work. I mean, REALLY. WHAT AM I--YOUR HOMEWORK-CONFIDANT?! No, thank you, you idiot! Honestly, it's really apparent that people purposely do not do their work and then when the time comes, they saunter over to me and "innocently" ask for my workbook or warm-ups and agendas. They have their textbooks. They have other students next to them. Why me?! What if I myself have not done that, huh? Well, okay, that's unusual, because I always finish everything way ahead of time. (Notice that's the only class in which I'm ever ahead of everybody else. Maybe English, too.) But still. Those jerk-idiots. I really, really hate that. And if you're one of those people, STOP. Because it gets annoying. Quickly, too. And it makes that person strongly dislike, if not hate, you. Well, I don't hate those people. But I just hate that they do that.

Okay, let's do tradition:
I can't believe it's June already! I tend to say that at the beginning of every new month. But really, 2008 is already halfway over! And like my mom keeps saying, "It's hard not to get old." Haha. And I'm sure that ALL of you have heard this plenty of times... Time passes by quickly. Much too much so.

Yesterday in math class, my friend forked over a sheet of what seemed like scratch paper and told me to read it. So I looked at it, and on the front side, there was what looked like a paragraph, and at first I thought it was a note... But then it actually turned out to be a story:
Once upon a time there waz a cool girl named Suzan, with a "z" whoze birthday waz on April 19, 1991. She had a cool friend named Roger who had the same birthday. They married on their birthday & had a child named Curtiz who waz born on April 19, 2011. One day, Suzan and Mariah decided to open a store called Kevin'z Secret, located next to Victoria'z Secret at the Northridge Mall. Suzan and Mariah mass produced Kevin'z boxerz and Roger modeled them. Stephanie became K'z model assistant. They became rich and famous. Suzan lived happily ever after in Chinatown.
P.S. She & Mz. Lertzman became best friends.

That was probably the only time I mentioned specific names... but only because it was written that way! All that places in which you think that there should be "s"s in lieu of "z"s...it's an "inside joke". I don't really like inside jokes. They're so...isolated. They leave people out! Anyway.

I got my yearbook today. It's marvelous! I absolutely LOVE the Deca page. LOVE it! The rest of it's good. I still love the Deca page most :)

Hmm. Let's see.
So it looks like Barack Obama is winning. Yay.
Well, I did say that sans enthusiasm, but still--yay. If Hilary Clinton was to win, then I would no longer be "the first female president of the United States"! Granted, I could still be the first ASIAN president of the US... But female and Asian would make like, the most awesome, incredible combination. Yeah, i'm overly ambitious. But hey, I've got it under control. My imagination, I mean. In fact, more than once, one of my friends has told me that I lack imagination and creativity... That was last year, though. I was so very insulted the first time. Because, FYI, I am creative! I just choose to not show it at certain times... Okay, truth be told, I'm creative only when I need to be. And my imagination...it's like, stuck in a cave or something for the most part. And unless I'm totally stoked about something, then it'll stubbornly remain concealed.
And...I have no idea whatsover if those previous sentences made any comprehensible, intellectual sense whatsoever.

Today was our last Steering Committee meeting for the year. Of course, nobody really cared... Anyway, when our former class president introduced the new class officers, I actually felt kind of sad. Well, not sad... But OBVIOUSLY, I wouldn't feel GOOD. 'cause then something would be really wrong with me. Gosh. Really. It should have been me up there.
But I'm over it!
For the most part.
Anyway, I'm looking toward Chancellor of Social Activities now. Hopefully I get that, or I just won't do Leadership at all, because I do have other classes that I need to take. Well, just ONE class. But, yeah. It's kind of complicated. I just hope that things work out the way I would like this time... Although, whatever happens, happens, right?

I suppose I'll end on that note for tonight, because I have homework to do and a major test...TWO, actually (!), to study for.
Oh, wait. Let me end on a more humorous note:
If you were a booger, I'd pick you first.


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