Story of My Life

Not really.

Currently 9:06 in the evening; eating a Yoplait strawberry yogurt (even though I am not hungry) and watching various television shows (very interested in "Prison Break" at the moment). I am also waiting for somebody to return home so that we can talk!

Yeah, "Prison Break" is very interesting. But I can clearly see why at the beginning, it always says, "Viewer discretion advised." It is so gory! Or bloody, whatever. It makes me hate the antagonists. Which, I guess, is a good thing. Something along that line.

Tomorrow is my registration day; school resumes next Wednesday. Goodness me, I really do not want to go back to school! I would much rather attend summer school the way it has been for an entire year than go to regular school. Really. Too bad it cannot be so. As of now, I am only one-third way done with summer assignments. Calculus down, English and chemistry to go. Forget Deca. For now. Cramming everything into two weeks does not work at all, so I will not even bother trying.
The Scarlet Letter is actually very interesting! Too bad I did not truly read the book. I mean, I got halfway there, then just read Sparknotes summaries. Sparky is my best friend... Just kidding. But, yeah. Now I do not see the point in reading the rest of the book since I already know what happens! But really, it is intriguing.
Now I cannot wait to begin The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn... I was being sarcastic. I have heard that it is very boring! Such encouraging opinions.

Gee, "Prison Break" is freaking harsh, to say the least. Oh, my goodness gracious! This is sickening. Sickenly malicious! I think my blod pressure just raised a bit from this particular scene. Dis-freaking-gusting. Eww. Interesting, nonetheless.

Today was horrible in that nothing went right! I woke up at 7:17 to go jogging. Since I had not run in four days, my muscles were all tight. By the fourth lap, I was winded! (I usually do five.) So I stopped and did whatever and fifty jumping jacks (as opposed to the normal one- or two-hundred). Then I went to Driver's Ed at eleven or so. Instead of taking more useless, time-wasting practice tests, I just went for the final, missed eleven (right there for the A-), and left with the certificate or whatever. I do not really feel like going to the DMV to take a test... I hate it there! So much. That was the only thing that went right, I guess I could say. Somebody was supposed to help me buy a lab notebook for chemistry, but it happened (or not) all wrong! I do not even want to talk about it now, now that somebody else has helped me with a resolution. One that does not require me having to go and get it myself. Then I went to the optometrist to get glasses. Well, I ended up not getting anything! It was so annoying. On with the journey to...the library. There, I finished up the calc assignment. But I barely absorbed any knowledge, since it was so...distracting. It was probably the worst homework session ever! Kind of. At one point, my little cousin came up to me and started bugging me about wanting to go to the park. I told her she could just go with the others (two other cousins and sister) and I would be there around five. A bit prior to five, she came back, then left. When I went to the park about an hour later, I did not see any of them there! So I called home and one of them answered the phone. I was so very irritated at that. I mean, they could have at least called me when they got home! Or told me they were going to go home! They said that they "changed their mind." Gosh! So inconsiderate. Again, not something I wish to talk more about (not that I did not already). And, yeah. Whatever for the rest of the day.
It was so hot today!

I know that I have said this many times already, but... I am so looking forward to the season premiere of "Gossip Girl." And "One Tree Hill." Good thing it is on Monday so I can watch it before school begins. Hopefully I will be done with most, if not all, of the assignments by then. (Now would be the time to insert a laugh.)

I just put on a DVD that one of the above-mentioned persons borrowed from the library. This is kind of scary already... Oh, oops. I should not have put it on now, only an hour before I am due to sleep! Goodness, I have to wake up early tomorrow morning :(

Hmm, I have just about nothing else to say for tonight.
Now 10:26.
Until next time...

Bye :)


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