You Set Me Free

I haven't been blogging much lately. Gee, I wonder why.

Maybe because I haven't been doing much. Hence, I don't have much to talk about!
I began Driver's Ed yesterday. It is so boring. Aside from watching the DVDs, which sometimes is interesting. In a way. I am almost halfway done! But I will admit that I barely remember what I skim through the handbook thing. Yeah, skim, not read. Haha. The only time I ever do anything for it is...when I am in class. It's okay, though. Now, whenever I'm out and walking and being a civilized pedestrian, I cannot help but point out the incessant crimes that drivers are committing! That was an overstatement, but still.

Somebody just asked me if today's blog is going to be long. And I will tell you now: NO. At least, probably not. Heck, I'm boring myself already! Goodness.

Oh, darn. A neon green paper just caught my eye: the AP English Language summer assignment. Golly gee, what will I do?! All I've done all week this week is the calc assignment (began the last set just today) and Driver's Ed. How gay. Next week, I need to split my time for English and chemistry. Hopefully I will get to work on Deca for at least the last two or three days... I remember last summer when I thought that I could cram thousands of pages of STUFF in less than two weeks. While not focusing. Ha. What a joke.

Things are a' changing around here. Seriously.
I don't believe I have said that in a very long time.

Yesterday I went to a friend's birthday party thing. It turned out to be really fun. It also turned out to be quite the best day of my summer. As in, I hadn't done anything fun all summer! Haha. I failed miserably at my attempt to cake the birthday boy (because so many people were right in front of him!), but it was fun nonetheless. Eventually, we got the porch all messy and the neighbor all upset. I love what we decided to write on the cake: "Um, yeah. Happy birthday, I guess." I crack myself up.

Want to know how I feel right now?
sigh. I myself do not even know. It's a whole mixture of stuff.

Who needs the world when I've got you
Switch off the sun, the stars and the moon

I'll just be blunt and say that I have absolutely no idea what to say here anymore. It's like these days, even though I haven't been doing anything dramatically much, I feel like I've been so caught up with a lot of things! A very contradictory sentence, I know. What ever will I do.

I think that I will just drown my sorrows by listening to mellow music. And it's not even like I'm sorrowful right now, because I have nothing to be so about! What the feet, man.
Oh, I say "what the feet" because the other day, my father bought a foot massage machine home, and I used it for about half an hour. An hour or so later, I felt a pain in my left foot while walking, and when I looked at it, my sole (or whatever the heck that particular part of the foot is) was red! It hurt so much when I walked. And a few minutes thereafter, my right foot started to hurt in the same spot! So I kept complaining, and soon I began saying, "What the feet!" instead of the other variations. Ha.

Only a moment ago, I realized what horrible memory I have for quite important things. Well, I knew that before, but I was just reminded of it. I make myself seem like I don't care about what people say simply because I can't remember what they say! If that made any sense. Agh, I'm horrible sometimes.
Why am I degrading myself...?

It's funny how life can take new meaning
You cannot change what I believe
The world on the outside's trying to pull me in
But they can't touch me
'cause I've got you

I love listening to songs. Seriously.

Agh, summer assignments are so gay. Unconstitutional, almost! Haha. Not really, but yeah.

I've been missing out on a lot of sleep. Just for morning jogs. Which, if you ask me, I must say are worth it. Although, unfortunately, I didn't jog yesterday or today. But those long treks (walks) under the excruciatingly unforgiving heat of the sun yesterday more than made up for yesterday's jog, in my opinion. I cannot say the same for today, or else I would be lying.

I think I've changed.
Because things have changed.
And still are changing.

Change is what makes the world revolve, though.

What should I do now? Continue telling you useless "information" something else that most likely will not be the least bit productive in any way, shape or form? We'll see.

Oh, look, I decided to continue my useless rant(s).
I should start talking to persons with whom I have not talked in...however long.
I think that I've been saying that in every other blog here.

Ryan Higa is making a movie... I mean, he and his sidekick person are going to be in one. I don't know exactly when the movie is coming out. I wouldn't want to watch it, though, as fond as I am of him and his videos on Youtube. But we'll see.

Watch my life pass me by
In the rearview mirror
Pictures frozen in time
Are becoming clearer

Have I mentioned how much I love listening to songs? Songs, not music. For today, anyway. Haha.

Ah, I have to do Driver's Ed "homework." I probably won't do it until about half an hour before I leave home for class, just like I've been doing for the past however many days. Two, probably. I'm having very short paragraphs today! I wonder why.
Not really.

It is now ten o' clock on the dot (at least, according to the computer). Oh, wait. One minute has passed (no, it did not take me one whole minute to type that sentence; it's not like I can see seconds!). And I shall stop for tonight. It'll be a while before I blog again, that's for sure.
Then again, the future is an uncertain place.

Anyhow, bye for now.


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