
I will try to make this as short (but not necessarily sweet) as possible, because somebody is on the verge of coercing me to go to sleep. That somebody is my mother, in case you have not figured so. And it is only 10:35! Goodness.

Today was registration day. The lines were long and excruciatingly long. When I first to arrived, I saw a huge line, and as I continued walking, the line continued to be long! It was horrifying horrific. Good thing it went by quickly for everybody to go into Chancellor Hall, though, or else those around me would have suffered from continuous complaining and whining! Blah, blah, blah. I shall simply skip the details (because they are not worthy of going over, especially when I have such a time constraint) and dive straight to the point (which is unusual of me, I know):
My tentative schedule for this school year as of now is as follows...
AP Chem
AP Calc BC
H US History
AP Lang
Spanish 3

I hate my schedule. Look at it! It does not even look the least bit appealing! I want to have my third and fourth classes switched so that I can have the B5 English teacher instead of Z191. I simply do not have such time to do the latter's homework assignments (what with Deca after school sessions and all that)! Goodness, and this entire time I thought that I would be lucky (by my own weird way of luck) and have B5. That even sounds cool. B5 is a boy-band, actually... Still! Vocabulary... Goodness. That just ruins my whole schedule. I cannot even look forward to anything anymore! :(
Well, maybe except journalism.

And, yeah. Now I have to complete at least two essays tomorrow because I did not get to begin on one tonight like I had planned to because of this time constraint. Stupid.

I am sleepy, though.

Until next time,

Only in grammar can you be more than perfect.
-W. Safire

Night and morning are making promises to each other which neither will be able to keep.
-R. Shelton


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