A Meaningful Evening

After dinner tonight, we finally went to visit our former landlady and her fellow lord of the same land. All day today, I persistently asked my mom, "So are we going later?" As it turned out, we did. It was a very nice evening. We moved from there to here about eleven years ago, apparently. When we got there, my mom was driving around slowly wondering where she should park. Then she decided to park on the other side of the road because she did not want to get a citation for parking somewhere that is not an actual parking space or whatever. And I said, "No police ever come here except if a little girl dials 911 and then screams 'Mommy!' because she does not know what she is doing." That was referring to myself all those years ago... It was an interesting occurrence. Anyway, we had some small talk and did some reminiscing. Apparently, I was very...sassy even back then! And smart. Haha. And my sister and I would pick her small tomatoes and throw them at each other... Huh. But, yeah. So my sister and I were just sitting there politely like the good girls we are (big laugh, big laugh...but really) while the landlady conversed with our mother and her fellow lord of the same land sat somewhere nearby and...sat. Even though she was mostly talking to our mother, I listened to most of the conversation anyway. She is so wise; she said some things that really captured my attention... But by now, I have forgotten some. Or, well, I guess the most important thing she discussed was that one should not look at how other people live their lives. However happy and successful they may seem, each of them still conceals their troubles and burdens. What's right for them is not necessarily right for you. All that. I mean, I have thought of that myself before, but I just have never heard it so well-put from an old people person. And this is why I love talking to (some) old people. They have so much wisdom and experience to share with the youth. And they're so nice! Most of them, anyway. A short while before we left, she told us that she and her husband go to the beach every weekday morning around seven, walk around, have lunch, walk around some more, and then return home at four or five in the afternoon. Weekends, she goes with her husband and daughter to nearby malls until late afternoon, as well. And then in the evenings, I'm inferring that they just sit on lawn chairs in their quiet garden and simply...talk and relax. I admired that so much. The entire time, I kept thinking, "I want this someday. I really do." I mean, that's the life. You relax, live your life with your loved ones... Yeah, it's just so nice.
I truly do want that some day, one day.
But that's in the far-fetched, unpredictable future. So for now, it is just a thought, a wishful thought.

Really, this is about all that I had to say this time.
What ever happened to the supposed occurrence of the "Great Reconciliation?" It never happened. Hopefully it will happen soon, though.

Never have I had so much trouble with telling anybody good news. Or, well, good news to me that may turn out to be bad news to them. Ugh. I need to think things through! And I do not like doing that. Just kidding. Kind of. But not really. Um, yeah.
I seriously need to start my summer assignments! One for sure that I am going to begin on Monday: calc, and I absolutely cannot wait, for one reason and one reason only. Otherwise, this is me being excited about it: ...

It seems Michael Phelps has won eight gold medals in a row! Yay! That guy is so amazing. I mean, everybody is amazing in their own ways (yes, even you). Did you know that the guy has ADHD? Or did I already mention it on the previous blog? I am suffering from slight memory loss due to sleep deprivation. Eh, never mind. Wikipedia him if you're interested. Most guys aren't. (Don't hate!)

You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair.
-D. MacArthur

I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
-R. Rudner


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