Strange Weather
That's what I like about you
I love it when you dance with me
What I adore about you
I love it when you laugh with me
That's what I like about you
How we be liking the same song
As indicated by the title of this particular blog, today's weather was so strange! First it was so very humid and rather hot even though the sun was not out. Then the sun came out, and it was still humid but not so much. Intermittently, it would be cloudy or whatever, and it'd be cool, but still humid! And...yeah. Just some very strange weather.
It is currently four minutes past half past seven (7:34), and I am watching "Wheel of Fortune". I like solving these puzzles in general. Just like I like answering particular questions on "Jeopardy!". Haha. I am so sleepy right now. I didn't get a five o' clock nap today! Darn it. I woke up before 6:30 this morning and have been on the computer for hours upon hours. Just like yesterday. How exhausting. But at least yesterday I had a nap! A very nice, three-hour long one, at that. I was hoping for one today! Again, darn it. Oh, well. This is what I get for nothaving begun summer assignments earlier in the summer. Gee.
By this very moment, I have everything done but everything. As in, I have not begun chem, and I still have to do that dumb censorship essay as well as the vocabulary for English! Dagnabbit. Seriously. That censorship thing is so frustrating! But it's not like I'm the only one who has to do it, so I'll get over it. Once I'm done with it, haha. And then chemistry... Something tells me that I will be complaining a lot about that when the time comes. Which, hopefully, will be soon! Goodness gracious.
It is so hot right now!
I am so sleepy.
I want to just go take a shower and then sleep for hours upon hours. Instead of doing homework for hours upon hours and thus depriving myself of something as important as sleep. Gosh.
It occurs to me that I have something of a problem of a difficulty sort of thing with telling people bad news. Well, unless it's painless bad news, pretty nonexistent, if you ask me. I have a problem with hurting other people's feelings! Or, well, it may not seem so, since I'm always insulting everyone... But they know I'm just joking! I hope. Except this one time... Never mind. But yeah. Point is, I'm a wimp when it comes to breaking personal bad news. Well, "bad" for one person, good for the other, I suppose. sigh.
Hmm. What ever shall I write about now?
Oh, Perfect Fifths comes out on April 14, 2009! I absolutely cannot wait for that book!! Oh, my goodness. I got notice of it via email yesterday, and I was so excited. In case it isn't apparent now. My excitement, I mean. That is the only series that I have ever read or will ever read. For now, anyway. Ah, I am so excited for that.
Hmm, so it's now seven til eight (7:53, if I did my math correctly), and I am going to go eat dinner.
Until next time...
So long, farewell; until we meet again.
I love it when you dance with me
What I adore about you
I love it when you laugh with me
That's what I like about you
How we be liking the same song
As indicated by the title of this particular blog, today's weather was so strange! First it was so very humid and rather hot even though the sun was not out. Then the sun came out, and it was still humid but not so much. Intermittently, it would be cloudy or whatever, and it'd be cool, but still humid! And...yeah. Just some very strange weather.
It is currently four minutes past half past seven (7:34), and I am watching "Wheel of Fortune". I like solving these puzzles in general. Just like I like answering particular questions on "Jeopardy!". Haha. I am so sleepy right now. I didn't get a five o' clock nap today! Darn it. I woke up before 6:30 this morning and have been on the computer for hours upon hours. Just like yesterday. How exhausting. But at least yesterday I had a nap! A very nice, three-hour long one, at that. I was hoping for one today! Again, darn it. Oh, well. This is what I get for nothaving begun summer assignments earlier in the summer. Gee.
By this very moment, I have everything done but everything. As in, I have not begun chem, and I still have to do that dumb censorship essay as well as the vocabulary for English! Dagnabbit. Seriously. That censorship thing is so frustrating! But it's not like I'm the only one who has to do it, so I'll get over it. Once I'm done with it, haha. And then chemistry... Something tells me that I will be complaining a lot about that when the time comes. Which, hopefully, will be soon! Goodness gracious.
It is so hot right now!
I am so sleepy.
I want to just go take a shower and then sleep for hours upon hours. Instead of doing homework for hours upon hours and thus depriving myself of something as important as sleep. Gosh.
It occurs to me that I have something of a problem of a difficulty sort of thing with telling people bad news. Well, unless it's painless bad news, pretty nonexistent, if you ask me. I have a problem with hurting other people's feelings! Or, well, it may not seem so, since I'm always insulting everyone... But they know I'm just joking! I hope. Except this one time... Never mind. But yeah. Point is, I'm a wimp when it comes to breaking personal bad news. Well, "bad" for one person, good for the other, I suppose. sigh.
Hmm. What ever shall I write about now?
Oh, Perfect Fifths comes out on April 14, 2009! I absolutely cannot wait for that book!! Oh, my goodness. I got notice of it via email yesterday, and I was so excited. In case it isn't apparent now. My excitement, I mean. That is the only series that I have ever read or will ever read. For now, anyway. Ah, I am so excited for that.
Hmm, so it's now seven til eight (7:53, if I did my math correctly), and I am going to go eat dinner.
Until next time...
So long, farewell; until we meet again.